Feature #1437
closedAdd FD Footnotes Plugin
- What's the name of the plugin/theme?
FD Footnotes
- [plugins] In a few words, what does it do?
Adds footnotes to blog posts
- How is the plugin/theme different from what's already provided on the Commons?
Don't think we have anything like this
- What's the potential impact? Who will use it?
- Who initially made the request? [sometimes Matt is passing along requests from members, sometimes suggesting something he found himself]
JITP journal
- Who is the plugin author?
fd - http://profiles.wordpress.org/users/fd/
- Say a little bit about the release history and popularity of the plugin. How many times has it been downloaded? When was it last updated? [The idea behind these last two questions is that I'm more likely to look favorably on plugins that are less likely to be abandoned]
12,542 downloads. 25 ratings, avg 5 stars
Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.3.1 to 1.3
Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago
I'll add these plugins to the release as a courtesy, but in the future can we please not pile onto a major release the day before it's supposed to happen? It adds to the already huge time and energy and testing required for these releases.
Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago
Yes -- sorry (forgot that this was happening tomorrow). Would you prefer to add them to the 1.3.1 release?
Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago
I'm going to bump the others, since you offered. Thanks. It's likely that there will be a 1.3.1 within a week with small bugfixes.