



Publicity #16585


New annual report data

Added by Colin McDonald almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

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We hope to release an annual report soon getting back on our academic-year annual schedule that was disrupted during Covid. This one should cover two years, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. To that end, can I ask for:

- Total number of Sites and Groups that we had on June 1st of 2021 and also of 2022

- Similar to #16355 from last month, overall total and by-role total of Members that joined from 6/1/20 to 5/31/21 and 6/1/21 to 5/31/22 (and understood that users can have more than one role)

- Also building off of #16355, I'd like to track all Courses over time since we launched Courses. In that prior ticket you provided this:

[totals] => Array
[Summer 2021] => 38
[Fall 2021] => 271
[Spring 2022] => 199
[Summer 2022] => 24

Would it be possible to provide the same for each semester from Fall 2018 (when I believe Courses began) to Fall 2022? And if I added each semester up, would I get (at least roughly) to the total number of Courses right now? In #12673 I asked for month by month course creation, but I think that's probably too granular at this stage for the Courses era.

We also looked at Courses in #13402 and I could pull numbers from there but I'm wondering if it's best to do a fresh query across all semesters since it's been a while since we looked at this, then it'll be easier to update in subsequent years.

Many thanks!


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