



Design/UX #17018


Analytics for Profile Fields & Features

Added by Sara Cannon over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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Hello! Can I get some database queries for some stats on the following?

- Can you pull links to the top 25 most active profiles?
- under your profile, you see the stat “Your profile is X% complete”. Can you pull % of profiles 100% complete, % of profiles below 75% complete, % of profiles below 50% complete, and % of profiles below 25% complete
- % of profiles Using IM Link, How many have added IM link in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using Flickr ID, How many have added Flickr ID in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using Delicious ID, How many have added Delicious ID in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using ORCID ID, How many have added an ORCID ID in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using Google Scholar, How many have added Google Scholar in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using Blog URL, How many have added Blog URL in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using RSS Feed, How many have added an RSS Feed in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months
- % of profiles Using the status update, How many have added a status update in the past 2 years, in the past 3 months

Thank You

Related issues

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