



Feature #17101


Feature #16335: Revisiting options and functions of Creative Commons license widget

OER tag and CC licensing notification system

Added by Colin McDonald over 2 years ago. Updated 3 months ago.

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We discussed in our last monthly meeting an idea to better link the OER tag during course site creation (or later editing such a site) with our Creative Commons licensing options.

It was proposed that if a user selects the OER tag, there would be an inline message if they have no CC license selected (either during the creation flow or on the site in Settings if the tag is being added later).

The message would say something like:

"We noticed that you have tagged your site as an OER but no CC license is present. Please CC license the open content, or the whole site in Settings>Writing. To learn more about open licensing visit our documentation [link TBD]."

Let's talk more about the mechanics of this, but I wanted to get the general idea down here.


oer-toggle-site.png (23.2 KB) oer-toggle-site.png Boone Gorges, 2022-10-27 11:33 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 2 years ago

We no longer show the OER toggle during creation, so we don't need to consider that case. See #16332.

This should be a technically easy lift. Just need to have language, and a sense of how/where the message should appear. The OER toggle is on Dashboard > Settings > General (see attached). If the message is triggered by a change in the OER setting, it makes sense to show a message right above or below. But note that the license setting is elsewhere - on Dashboard > Settings > Writing. So we will need to move that setting, or at least point users in the right place.

There's also a question of whether the converse logic applies. If you have OER checked, but then change to a closed license, should you see a similar message?

Actions #2

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 2 years ago

Hi All,

I think there might be 3 scenarios to work out here:

If User Selects OER Tag in Setting General

Then the following notice can appear below the text (and below the clarifying text that it already there):

"We noticed that you have tagged your site as an OER but no Creative Commons license is present on the site. In order to be considered an "OER" you must select a default creative Commons license for the entire site in Settings>Writing [link] or assign a CC license to pages or posts that are OER. To learn more about open educational resources (OER) open licensing visit our documentation [link TBD]."

A user selects a site wide CC license in Settings>Writing but is not tagged as OER. After they select license and save an alert message at the top reading:

"We noticed you have indicated a Creative Commons license for the site, which allows your content to be reused and remixed. To learn more about Creative Commons licenses on the Commons See our CC documentation here. [link TBD]. If you are creating or using OER on the site, please be sure to tag your site as OER in Settings>General [link]

3. (less likely) A user indicates a CC license on a page or post (not sitewide)

"We noticed you indicate a Creative Commons license for this page or post, which allows the content to be reused and remixed. To learn more about Creative Commons licenses on the Commons See our CC documentation here. [link TBD]. If you are creating or using OER on the site, please be sure to tag your site as OER in Settings>General [link].

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 2 years ago

Thanks, Laurie. I hadn't thought about 3. How this is implemented depends on how we design the interface for CC on individual items. Is this part of the scope for the upcoming release? I remember it being mentioned in passing but I don't see a ticket for it.

Regarding 2 (and 3) - You have phrased it as a positive suggestion: "you're using CC, why not tag as OER"? I guess there's nothing wrong with this, though perhaps we'd want to limit it to sites where the purpose is 'Teaching', since there are plenty of cases where you might want a CC license but you would hesitate to call your content OER. More important, I think, is a warning about incompatibility. In the case of the license picker, this would be "You have selected a non-open license, but your site is currently tagged as OER..."

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 2 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.2.0
Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges 9 months ago

  • Target version changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
Actions #8

Updated by Colin McDonald 6 months ago

I thought I'd resurface this ticket while we work on the overall CC licensing language in #17102. Regarding Boone's question above about scope, I'm hoping we can work through the items in this ticket update by the end of the semester:

Reading back through, I think that Laurie's three use cases make sense, and I also like Boone's suggestion to limit the prompt frequency in some way, perhaps by only suggesting OER tags when Teaching is the selected Purpose. How does that sound to you, Laurie? Is it possible for a non-Teaching (i.e. non-Course) group or site to be OER-compatible? If it is, is it likely enough that we'd want to account for that?

We also need to answer Boone's question about flagging OER/license incompatibility, like if a user selects a "non-open license" but their site is tagged OER. But looking at the CC license options aren't they all "open" to at least some degree? So would the only incompatibility be if a user has an OER tag but removes CC licensing completely?

And is it currently possible to remove CC licensing completely in Settings > Writing? I couldn't figure out how to do this just now. Should that be an option, essentially allowing the user to go back to default copyright restrictions (which will hopefully be more clear after the #17102's copy review is done)?

Actions #9

Updated by Raymond Hoh 6 months ago

And is it currently possible to remove CC licensing completely in Settings > Writing? I couldn't figure out how to do this just now. Should that be an option, essentially allowing the user to go back to default copyright restrictions (which will hopefully be more clear after the #17102's copy review is done)?

There's some work on cdev to add a "Reset" button to the "Settings > Writing" admin page. See, but clicking on this button currently doesn't remove the licenses for posts. Need some further feedback on how to proceed. There may be an instance where a post license differs from the site license so if the "Reset" button is used on the "Settings > Writing" page, do we only remove the CC license for posts where the post license is the same as the previous site license? Or do we remove all CC licenses regardless of post license status?

On cdev, it is also possible to use the post bulk edit interface to reset the license status. See Leaving the license set to "Inherit" would remove the post license if one was set.

Actions #10

Updated by Boone Gorges 3 months ago

  • Target version changed from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0

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