Feature #18637
closedDesign/UX #17385: Profile CV & Account Settings
Design/UX #18150: Inbox tab
Invites do not create a BP notification
- git submodule update cac-onboarding
- run notifications-backfill.php script via WP-CLI
- modify last line of invitations email template (https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/wp-admin/post.php?post=64345&action=edit) to use the following:
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Accept pending invitations by visiting your <a href="https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/me/notifications/action-center/">Action Center</a> page.</span>
When we created the 'cac-onboarding'
plugin to handle onboarding and group / site invitations (#8641), for our initial release, we made the decision to not create a BuddyPress notification when an invite is sent. See https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac-onboarding/issues/30 .
As part of the new "Notifications" page, we will want to create a BP notification whenever an invite is sent so users are able to handle invitation requests from within the "Notifications" page. See https://www.figma.com/proto/c3v5FHId3eUAjZ2ennkN83/CUNY-Design---Summer-2023?page-id=3461%3A53191&type=design&node-id=3461-55432&viewport=8484%2C13384%2C0.25&t=sqKGsUW2nW5ZDQbn-1&scaling=min-zoom .
This will require the following:
1. Record a BP notification whenever a new invite is sent to an existing user.
2. Write a routine to backfill all current, pending invites so they will have a BP notification.
3. Modify the invite email to change the "Click on this link to manage your invitations" link from commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/me/invites/
to the new "Notifications > Action Center" page for existing users.