Feature #19493
closedDealing with BuddyPress 12.x upgrade
Added by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.
git submodule update (for social-paper)
Network-activate bp-classic
Check main nav menus.
At some point soon, we will need to upgrade to BuddyPress 12.x. In the near term, we'll need to install BP Classic alongside in order to ensure compatibility with existing customizations and plugins.
Ray, I'm tentatively planning this for the first minor release after our upcoming 2.3.0 release. But I'd like your thoughts on this, and in particular on whether this upgrade might need the kind of testing that would require more time, or perhaps should even wait for a summer release.
Related issues
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago
Activating the BP Classic plugin will help, but I think we would benefit from additional time and testing to ensure all our custom BuddyPress code will continue to work.
I'm probably overthinking this and perhaps this might not require a lot of time to get things working, but here are some quick thoughts:
- We are not loading BuddyPress deprecated code as of https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/60ae93c883148058bdb16be102d3f7563b247f41 . BP 12 deprecated a bunch of functions not included with the BP Classic plugin. For example,
: https://github.com/buddypress/buddypress/blob/f27bac0209ecfc37192b6f41ac637704088e136d/src/bp-core/deprecated/12.0.php#L1470C10-L1470C44 . We should audit all BP 12 deprecated functions to see if our codebase is using any of them. If so, we can potentially add these functions back to the BP Classic plugin. Or for the short term, we might need to consider loading BP deprecated code again.
- In BP 12, the BP Default theme is removed from BuddyPress and is part of the BP Classic plugin. Over the past, few major releases, we have made large strides in removing bp-default from our bp-nelo theme, but there are still some hardcoded references to it. For example, https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/2c52ce9f6e18dde2dfdca571d65da59817fd6dad/wp-content/themes/bp-nelo/functions.php#L205 . For this specific instance, we will need to switch the stylesheet URL to match the new BP Classic URL. We can remove this bp-default stylesheet call entirely once we have finished the Groups redesign.
- We should audit all our custom BuddyPress widgets to see whether we should remove them outright or not. See https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/master/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/widgets.php . This doesn't need to be done immediately.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2
Thanks for laying out these thoughts, Ray. I don't think you are overthinking. I'm probably underthinking :-D
My takeaway is that we'll need meaningful testing before moving forward with the change. To do that testing, it's probably wise for us to have cdev at our disposal. So it's not going to happen for 2.3.1. Let's target 2.3.2, which will be the second Tuesday in February.
A rough overview:
1. Deprecated code analysis, as you suggest. I'm hopeful the numbers will be somewhat small, and that we'll be able to provide the handful of functions without loading all BP deprecated libraries.
2. Figure out how to handle references to bp-default
3. Manual checking of primary BP functionality. This will include: group creation; display and creation of group-related content (Library, etc); invites; directories; site creation.
Let's start this process after the 2.3.0 release so we can have a shared space for testing.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
- Deployment actions updated (diff)
I've taken a first pass at the BP 12.0 upgrade, drawing on the conversation above. Here's what I've done.
1. On the bp12 branch:
- Update BP https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/c3770fa39248ed6f4193955d5524177c3330a1f2
- Install bp-classic https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/41efd3f71b6603d1851a9b951eca97aa634960c3 I played with ways of requiring this plugin without needing to activate it (in part to avoid fatals during the upgrade process) but it didn't work. For one thing, bp-classic has an activation routine it needs to run. For another, there's some magic in the plugin that prevents it from loading if it detects that you're not running an "approved" combination (ie, if BP is network-activated, the plugin bootstrap bails). Too smart for us. Anyway, I'll just have to run a manual activation after deployment.
- bp-classic changed the names of its widget classes, so we have to make a change to a place where we extend one of those classes https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/41b53b28c79d9f5963928daba0aecc26ec575d3e. In addition, I put a change in place here so that our own widget library is loaded only if bp-classic is available - this is mainly to avoid fatals when first deploying bp-classic in an environment.
- Fix the path for the bp-default stylesheet https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/8946594b0d7eeeed9dec1337df72d4f756de8954
- I reviewed BP 12 deprecated functions and found that one was used in social-paper. I'm unsure whether it will ever come up, but I added a polyfill in social-paper https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/social-paper/commit/2edcf6539975d57bdecef4f642ab64820090712b, https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/798cd5a8731572273aa99dddb7c58501d877d692
On my initial tests, the major parts of BP are working (home page, directories, individual member pages, individual group pages).
Ray, perhaps you'd like to take a look and see if I've missed anything obvious?
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago
branch and came across a few issues:
- In the Group Library, clicking on a doc throws a 404.
- Pagination is not working on a group's
page or when in a single forum thread. There's a patch on bbPress Trac that hasn't been committed yet: https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3576 . I haven't tested the patch yet. - bbPress stylesheet is not enqueued on group forum pages. I've put a temporary fix in place here: https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/05677c93c913947fc9bcb5eb5ca323bd24c0b44e . This can probably be reverted once bbPress releases a new version with the above patch.
- Some of our custom BuddyPress features need to run on the
hook instead of'init'
due to the switch to use WP permalinks in BP 12. I've fixed up one instance in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/bf399847d075a68ac784e53735861012509f36d4 . There may be a few more places to check, but will need to do further testing.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
Ray, thanks for having a look.
In the Group Library, clicking on a doc throws a 404.
I couldn't reproduce this, either on cdev or in my local environment. Can you share more details, or maybe a URL on cdev where I can test?
Pagination is not working on a group's /forum/ page or when in a single forum thread. There's a patch on bbPress Trac that hasn't been committed yet: https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3576 . I haven't tested the patch yet.
I couldn't reproduce this either. See https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/cac-community-team-project-planning/forum/ on cdev: https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/cac-community-team-project-planning/forum/page/2/ My reading of that specific ticket is that bp-classic makes it a non-issue, since it reverts to the old URI-global system for page routing.
Some of our custom BuddyPress features need to run on the 'bp_parse_query' hook instead of 'init' or 'bp_init' due to the switch to use WP permalinks in BP 12. I've fixed up one instance in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/bf399847d075a68ac784e53735861012509f36d4 . There may be a few more places to check, but will need to do further testing.
Yeah, thanks for remembering this. I reviewed the following locations for items hooked to 'init' or 'bp_init': wp-content/plugins/cac-*, wp-content/mu-plugins, wp-content/themes/bp-nelo. I didn't find any additional places where callbacks made reference to BP's routing globals. But this is only a partial search - it's not possible for us to look at every 'init' callback in the entire codebase. So I agree that we probably just need more testing of common actions.
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago
In the Group Library, clicking on a doc throws a 404.
I couldn't reproduce this, either on cdev or in my local environment. Can you share more details, or maybe a URL on cdev where I can test?
Oops! Forgot to network-activate BP Classic! Group doc 404 is now resolved.
However, forum and thread pagination on group pages are still broken. For example, see https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/cac-community-team-project-planning/forum/page/2/
. The page is still reflecting the contents from page 1. I think we will need to hold off on deploying BuddyPress 12 until we decide to patch bbPress ourselves or until bbPress releases a new version.
I reviewed the following locations for items hooked to 'init' or 'bp_init': wp-content/plugins/cac-*, wp-content/mu-plugins, wp-content/themes/bp-nelo
Found one more instance in our bp-nelo theme. Addressed in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/4c609c1430253e4f1ef91304978dd3eca059b6b7
One thing I noticed on cdev is our BP directory pages in the nav menu are using the unpretty WordPress permalink (eg. /?post_type=buddypress&p=X
). Might be something to be aware of when we deploy this to production. My local install isn't affected by this though.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
However, forum and thread pagination on group pages are still broken. For example, see https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/cac-community-team-project-planning/forum/page/2/. The page is still reflecting the contents from page 1. I think we will need to hold off on deploying BuddyPress 12 until we decide to patch bbPress ourselves or until bbPress releases a new version.
It's strange - I can't reproduce the pagination thing on my local checkout, but I see it happening on cdev. I thought maybe it was a rewrite-rule issue, but a flush didn't help.
In any case, we might be waiting for a long time if we wait for bbPress to be patched. So I think we're going to have to do it ourselves, and run a fork of bbPress until such time (if any) that bbPress is updated. Do you have the bandwidth to have a first attempt at this in the next week or two?
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
I managed to reproduce the bbPress pagination issue while working on another project, and it is in fact due to rewrite rules. BP's new system registers a rule that matches group forum /topic/[topic-name]/page/ queries:
groups/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.+?)/?$ => index.php?bp_groups=1&bp_group=$matches[1]&bp_group_action=$matches[2]&bp_group_action_variables=$matches[3]
This rule is registered even when running bp-classic. And it's registered with a higher priority than the WP rule that handles /page/ pagination:
(.?.+?)/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$ => index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]
As a result, the 'paged' query var is never set, and WP_Query (and therefore bbPress) thinks that we're always on page 1.
Here's a very hacky workaround that I put in place on the other project:
// ... add_filter( 'bbp_get_global_object', array( $this, 'fix_rewrite_pagination' ), 10, 2 ); // ... /** * Fixes rewrite pagination. * * Required for compatibility with BP 12.0, where the /groups/ rewrite rule will * be caught before bbPress's /page/ rule. */ public function fix_rewrite_pagination( $object, $type ) { if ( 'wp_query' !== $type ) { return $object; } if ( ! bp_is_group() ) { return $object; } if ( ! bp_is_current_action( 'forum' ) ) { return $object; } $page_number = null; // Can't use bbp_is_single_topic() because it triggers a loop. $is_single_topic = bp_is_action_variable( 'topic', 0 ); if ( $is_single_topic ) { if ( bp_is_action_variable( 'page', 2 ) ) { $page_number = bp_action_variable( 3 ); } } else { if ( bp_is_action_variable( 'page', 0 ) ) { $page_number = bp_action_variable( 1 ); } } if ( ! $page_number ) { return $object; } $object->set( 'paged', $page_number ); return $object; }
I think a more correct fix is for bbPress's BP extension to register its own pagination rewrite rules for groups. Something like:
groups/([^/]+)/forum/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$ => index.php?bp_groups=1&bp_group=$matches[1]&bp_group_action=forum&paged=$matches[2] // pagination for the single-forum topic listing groups/([^/]+)/forum/topic/([^/]+)/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$ => index.php?bp_groups=1&bp_group=$matches[1]&bp_group_action=forum&paged=$matches[3]&bbp_topic=$matches[2] // pagination for single-topic - I don't know how the bbp_topic part would work, this would need to be figured out in bbPress
Furthermore, when running bp-classic, I had to do some additional work to ensure that bbPress's BP compatibility layer is loaded in time, and is loaded only once. Like the approach above, it's pretty hacky (requiring a static variable to prevent double-loading) but it basically works. Here's the full patch: https://github.com/openlab-at-city-tech/openlab/commit/27f2a68354550295d85f0f3c5aaafc55004268f0
I don't think that imath's patch on https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3576 handles either the bp-classic load-order issue or the pagination issue. I'll post a note on that ticket.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago
- Deployment actions updated (diff)
I checked against the latest release of bp-classic, and it appears that it fixes the forum pagination issues.
The plan is to go forward with the BP 12.x upgrade during tomorrow's release. I'll wait to do the final merge into the 2.3.x branch until tomorrow morning, in case Ray thinks of any reason between now and then why it shouldn't move forward :-D
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago
- Deployment actions updated (diff)
The plan is to go forward with the BP 12.x upgrade during tomorrow's release. I'll wait to do the final merge into the 2.3.x branch until tomorrow morning
One thing I added to the bp12
branch is I updated BuddyPress to the latest version -- v12.3.0 -- as that includes an important fix for AJAX that I posted to BP Trac here: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9089
I think we should be good to go with regards to the rollout in the morning.
For more pronounced changes, I created a new branch -- bp12-part2 -- that namely switches out all BuddyPress 12 deprecated function calls. We can roll that out in a later maintenance release.
I've been testing bp12-part2
with BP Classic deactivated and with BP_IGNORE_DEPRECATED
set to true
and these are some issues I encountered:
- BP Event Organiser needs some minor adjustments to account for group subnav registration: https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/bp-event-organiser/compare/1.2.x...bp12#diff-b0397cc71e95a79af968e8dadb7b8e525085f462c5a88ac11c8bdb86ecd7173d
- bbPress does some conditional checks that needs to be delayed to the
hook. This fixes an issue with the bbPress stylesheet not loading on group forum pages I mentioned above in comment 4 amongst other permission-related cap overrides for the current user. - I need Git permissions to the
repo so I can push changes and pin a new version for ourcac
About the bbPress load order issue:
Furthermore, when running bp-classic, I had to do some additional work to ensure that bbPress's BP compatibility layer is loaded in time, and is loaded only once. Like the approach above, it's pretty hacky (requiring a static variable to prevent double-loading) but it basically works. Here's the full patch: https://github.com/openlab-at-city-tech/openlab/commit/27f2a68354550295d85f0f3c5aaafc55004268f0
I tackled this a little differently in my bbPress commit. See https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/e2145f2462d3d2cbe2f16de914e7875c48b6e1cc#diff-0f345898d2c7666be77acc95ec88e90e98a407644a4ce5431b3fb96d06749039 and the constructor and includes() portion of https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/e2145f2462d3d2cbe2f16de914e7875c48b6e1cc#diff-a8d1ad6e40805411d0e557ee641e9d47c6cc3d0f17ef107f22ac729255439a5a . I think the constructor changes might fix your double load order issue. Can you do some tests and see if this works for you, Boone?
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #19944: Dealing with BuddyPress 12.x upgrade, pt. 2 added