



Feature #19904


New member welcome screen

Added by Colin McDonald about 1 year ago. Updated 12 months ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
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How can we go about editing the screen to which new members are redirected after registering? I think it looks something like the attached but haven't been able to get there myself recently. I wanted to explore making some changes to align with some of our work updating the invite modal in #19733. Thanks!


welcome.png (194 KB) welcome.png Colin McDonald, 2024-03-05 11:43 PM
new-member-redesign-banner.png (212 KB) new-member-redesign-banner.png Colin McDonald, 2024-03-07 03:45 PM
registration-confirmation.png (211 KB) registration-confirmation.png Colin McDonald, 2024-03-07 03:45 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago

Hi Colin, are you talking about the copy on this page -- ?

If so, the copy on that page is currently hardcoded into a template file: . We can probably move the the main "New Member Introduction" content copy into the page editor. For the smaller blurbs under the "Getting Started on the Commons" section, we could use custom fields in the page editor if that helps with editing the copy going forward.

Actions #2

Updated by Colin McDonald about 1 year ago

Thanks Ray, that's it, and sorry I didn't include the screenshot before. It was from the bottom of this page (Scott, we should probably update the welcome screen screenshots here):

It might be nice to be able to edit both columns of this copy, but it's less urgent than I thought, because I see now that the "Respond to Your Open Invitations" field appears dynamically. That's what I was initially looking at with the invite modal. I attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing now.

I wonder if we should remove the Domain Mapping link in the second column under Create a Site though, until that's back to being functional.

Actions #3

Updated by scott voth about 1 year ago

Hi Colin - I updated the last screenshot on Is the second to the last screenshot correct. It's hard to see without actually registering.

Actions #4

Updated by Colin McDonald about 1 year ago

Hi Scott, I just completed the registration with my other CUNY email (then deleted the account), and attached is the screenshot I got for that second-to-last one we can probably replace.

Ray/Boone, I noticed that the Commons redesign banner showed up for me on the new member intro page, once I logged in. Also attached. Maybe we can remove that now?

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 year ago

Ray/Boone, I noticed that the Commons redesign banner showed up for me on the new member intro page, once I logged in. Also attached. Maybe we can remove that now?

Sounds good. I've turned it off. (

Actions #6

Updated by scott voth about 1 year ago

Thanks Colin - I added the screenshot to the documentation.

Actions #7

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago

It might be nice to be able to edit both columns of this copy, but it's less urgent than I thought, because I see now that the "Respond to Your Open Invitations" field appears dynamically.

I've made it so the main content is editable in After next week's release, you should be able to edit the New Member Introduction page and add in your custom copy. If the content is blank, the hardcoded copy will display in its place.

For the second column, if you'd like to edit the "Complete Your Profile" blurb or provide me with updated copy, let me know. If we make that portion editable, there are parts of that section that is dynamic such as the block.

I wonder if we should remove the Domain Mapping link in the second column under Create a Site though, until that's back to being functional.

I've hidden the domain mapping blurb under the "Create a Site" section. This will take effect after the maintenance release next week.

Actions #8

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 1 year ago

  • Category name set to Onboarding
  • Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
  • Assignee set to Raymond Hoh
  • Target version set to 2.3.4
Actions #9

Updated by Colin McDonald 12 months ago

  • Category name deleted (Onboarding)
  • Status changed from Staged for Production Release to New
  • Assignee deleted (Raymond Hoh)
  • Target version deleted (2.3.4)

Belated thanks for this, Ray! I'll play with it a bit after the release today.


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