



Bug #20557


Account Activation

Added by Sara Cannon 9 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Priority name:
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When I go to create a new account using the NONCUNY2024 code, I receive an email with an activation link. When I click activate, the page refreshes, and nothing happens; my account is not activated. I don't know how to activate it or if the link has anything to do with it. Potentially, all activations might have this error.


Actions #1

Updated by Raymond Hoh 9 months ago

Hi Sara,

You need to click on the "Activate" button in order to finalize account registration. I think the language on this page needs to be refined.

Edit - Just saw that you said you clicked on "Activate" but nothing happens. I just did a test account registration with the NONCUNY2024 code and I was able to activate my account successfully.

Actions #2

Updated by Raymond Hoh 9 months ago

I just tried activating your account with your activation key and it is not working so I took a look in the database and saw that you already have a user account with the same email address registered. That's why the activation failed, but no error message was displayed.

The next question is how you were able to register your saratest account with an already-existing email address. We'll need to fix this bug.

Actions #3

Updated by Raymond Hoh 9 months ago

  • Category name set to Registration
  • Target version set to 2.4.2

It looks like our non-CUNY signup routine allowed registration through as long as the user had the correct non-CUNY signup code. Attempting to activate an account with a duplicate email address would fail as Sara found out.

I've just committed a fix to check if there is a duplicate email address in the database before allowing the signup through in . This is pushed to production as well.

Also on the registration form, if one enters an email address that is already in the system and the user moves on to the password field or another field in the form, we do not immediately display that the email address already exists. I don't remember if this was intentionally done or not. Boone or Colin, do you have any recollection about this?

Sara, if you want to register a new account for testing, try using a different email address on the registration page.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Ray, thanks for looking into this.

Also on the registration form, if one enters an email address that is already in the system and the user moves on to the password field or another field in the form, we do not immediately display that the email address already exists. I don't remember if this was intentionally done or not. Boone or Colin, do you have any recollection about this?

I don't have any recollection about this. The dynamic, client-side validation was written many years ago. Looking over the relevant changeset and discussion #1261, I don't see any mention of it. I think it's OK to add it, but it doesn't need to hold up the shipping of this ticket.

Actions #5

Updated by Colin McDonald 7 months ago

I don't recall doing this intentionally, either. It does seem like it should validate the email immediately and notify.


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