



Support #20975


Default active sites for editoria11y accessibility plugin

Added by Colin McDonald 13 days ago. Updated 9 days ago.

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As discussed in today's meeting, let's confirm the sites on which the editoria11y plugin is installed and active by default. We agreed that this should be the case for any site with the Teaching purpose, and/or any site that has the Teaching plugin package.

There have been reports however of the plugin showing up as active on sites that aren't under the Teaching purpose, so it would be good to know where it is active right now and the triggers for its activation on future sites.


plugin_packages_screenshot.jpg (668 KB) plugin_packages_screenshot.jpg Plugin packages Zachary Muhlbauer, 2024-09-16 04:42 PM
active_plugins_screenshot.jpg (379 KB) active_plugins_screenshot.jpg Active plugins Zachary Muhlbauer, 2024-09-16 04:42 PM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #18921: Add Editoria11y plugin?ResolvedRaymond Hoh2023-09-27

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges 13 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
  • Target version set to Not tracked

The plugin is not network-activated.

The plugin is active on just over 2000 sites at the moment:

mysql> select count(*) from wp_network_plugins where plugin like 'editoria1%';
| count(*) |
|     2096 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

The plugin is part of both the 'Teaching' and 'Digital Tools' plugin packages.

Let me know if you need other info.

Actions #2

Updated by Raymond Hoh 13 days ago

  • Related to Bug #18921: Add Editoria11y plugin? added
Actions #3

Updated by Raymond Hoh 13 days ago

For historical context, we added Editoria11y back in #18921.

Actions #4

Updated by Colin McDonald 10 days ago

Hi Ray, thanks for this info. Zach, can you let us know if that non-Teaching site you shared in the meeting on Friday with this plugin active might have been set up with the Digital Tools plugin package?

Actions #5

Updated by Zachary Muhlbauer 10 days ago

Hi Colin, I made the site with the default template about a week ago but did not activate any plugins or plugin packages, or at least not to the best of my knowledge. I only noticed it because of how Editoria11y is listed at the bottom of my dashboard menu. For more context, I attached two screenshots with this message: one for active plugins and another for plugin packages.

Actions #6

Updated by Colin McDonald 9 days ago

Given Zach's report here, can we take a closer look at how editoria11y was possibly activated on his site here:

Teach@CUNY AI Working Group

Actions #7

Updated by Raymond Hoh 9 days ago

According to, we activated Editoria11y on all the template sites (teaching, academic, conference, and default). This means Editoria11y is activated by default whenever a new site is made.

Actions #8

Updated by Laurie Hurson 9 days ago

Hm okay - I can go deactivate on Academic portfolio and conference templates so it is not active on those templates and on new sites that choose those templates.

I'll leave activated on the teaching site as part of teaching package.

I am not sure how to deactivate for default template but I think maybe we should deactivate for new default sites.

Actions #9

Updated by Boone Gorges 9 days ago

Laurie, here are the template sites:

If you're not able to do the deactivation, give me the green light and I'll do it.

Actions #10

Updated by Laurie Hurson 9 days ago

Great-- thanks!

Deactivated on Academic,conference, and default template.


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