



Bug #21796


Commons down?

Added by Matt Gold 23 days ago. Updated 20 days ago.

Priority name:
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Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


I'm experiencing a few weird things with Commons logins:

  • in a normal browser window, I tried to log into the site, but found that the site more or less froze and would not let me click submit on the login modal
  • in a private browser window, after logging in, I reached a 403 error
  • going back to an normal browser window, I now am seeing the Commons maintenance page


Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold 23 days ago

another, new screenshot showing timed out processes from Cloudflare

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges 23 days ago

The database is under tremendous load and as a result the site is available only intermittently. If you can view it when logged out, it's because those pages are cached statically in a CDN.

We'll be working with Reclaim to get things up and running as quickly as possible.

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold 23 days ago

Got it. thank you!

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold 21 days ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
Actions #5

Updated by Raymond Hoh 20 days ago

Just wanted to note that the uptime monitoring service I set up awhile ago recorded six minutes of downtime between Jan 20, 01:58 - 02:04 UTC:

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges 20 days ago

Thanks, Ray. I see a corresponding gap in the PHP error log and Litespeed access log. I didn't see any obvious patterns in the traffic the few minutes beforehand (like a big spike) that would directly explain it. It's interesting that they are no entries at all in the access log - the requests weren't even reaching the server, which suggests that the problem may have been at the firewall level.


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