Feature #2325
openProfile should have separate fields for first/last names
I've noticed a quirk of the Commons that I wanted to bring to your attention--the Profile page doesn't allow for double names. This is because it asks for "Full Name" rather than first and last name, and so a space in a double name automatically registers the first word as the first name.
I've solved this by just using A.L. McMichael (which is the byline I use for publishing, anyway), but since the Commons in a Box is now public, I thought you and the Commons team might be getting inquiries about this, particularly since a person's full name on the Commons shows up as their byline on Commons blogs.
Alice Lynn McMichael
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- Category name set to BuddyPress (misc)
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- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago
- Target version set to Future release
- Severity set to Low impact
Thanks for the report, Alice. Can you be clearer what you mean when you say that the page "doesn't allow for" these kinds of names? It's possible to enter the names into field, right? I think you mean that, after entering these names, some incorrect assumptions are made elsewhere in the interface about what your first name is. Can you be specific about where these places in the interface are?
Updated by Alice.Lynn McMichael about 12 years ago
Hi, Boone.
Sorry, I forgot about this thread for a while.
What I meant is that the box on the profile just asks for "name," not first name and last name separately. So my entire name is Alice Lynn McMichael and the commons calls me "Alice." But my first name is actually "Alice Lynn," (two words, one name) and my surname is McMichael. A better example might be a more normal double first name like "Mary Jane" Smith or "Mary Alice" Jones wherein a double first name consists of two separate words.
Essentially, it's an issue of the interface assuming that first word is equivalent to the first name. I hope that clears it up a bit.
Alice Lynn
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Commons profile to Profile should have separate fields for first/last names
Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago
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