



Bug #2339


Email forum notification includes relative link to post

Added by Matt Gold about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Priority name:
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Target version:
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Deployment actions:


Please see attached screenshot, which shows a relative link to a forum post in an email notification below the post text.


Actions #1

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 12 years ago

This is a bbPress 2 bug:

In the meantime, we should disable bbPress email notifications in BuddyPress groups. I have some code that does this.

Should probably add it to the Group Email Subscription plugin.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

Hi Ray,

Thanks. If we disable bbPress email notifications in BP groups, does that mean these emails wouldn't be sent or that they would be sent instead fromthe Group Email Subscription plugin?

Actions #3

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 12 years ago

Hi Matt,

Forum replies are sent from the Group Email Subscription (GES) plugin if you're subscribed to "All Mail" or "Daily Digest".

If you're not subscribed to one of these options, you won't get emails for forum replies.

The reason you received an email is you subscribed to that forum topic with the bbPress plugin. A recent update to the Group Email Subscription added some code to remove the bbPress subscription checkbox, but since you were already subscribed to the topic, you will continue to receive emails until I add some code to GES to address this.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

Got it -- thanks, Ray.

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Raymond Hoh
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Ray - When you have the code for this, go ahead and send it to me (or commit it directly to the commonsinabox-org repo, which I think I added you to this AM). We can worry about cbox later.

Actions #6

Updated by Raymond Hoh about 12 years ago

I've added a file in /wp-content/mu-plugins to address this:

Boone: If changes are made to the website repo, are changes updated in real-time?

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

Cool, thanks Ray! No, it doesn't automatically deploy - I'll have to do it manually tomorrow.

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved was updated to all the latest software yesterday, so I'm marking this resolved. If the issue arises again, please reopen.


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