



Bug #2740


Optimize/rename twitter menu options

Added by Micki Kaufman over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Priority name:
Dominic Giglio
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


Rename twitter menu choice titles for more clarity (Our Tweets, default CUNY Commons List, CAC outgoing tweets, All CUNY, etc.)


Twitter revamp sarah proposal.jpg (350 KB) Twitter revamp sarah proposal.jpg Sarah Morgano, 2013-09-08 10:10 PM
new twitter layout.png (331 KB) new twitter layout.png Dominic Giglio, 2013-09-09 12:04 PM
new twitter layout 2.png (330 KB) new twitter layout 2.png Dominic Giglio, 2013-09-11 02:32 PM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #2793: Add explanations to twitter pageResolvedDominic Giglio2013-09-13

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

  • Category name set to WordPress (misc)
  • Status changed from New to Assigned

Community Tweets as a title?

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
Actions #3

Updated by Sarah Morgano over 11 years ago

Based on our decisions at the last community team meeting I've attached a screenshot of what I'm proposing, though I did have a couple of questions that I'd like to bounce off of folks. Just to clarify, we're switching the main stream from our tweets to the cunycommons list, right? Also, I'm not sure if we want to call it "Commons Community Tweets" or "CAC Community Tweets" since we will also have "CUNY Community Tweets." I noted that what is currently "mentions" is actually retweets, but is it necessary to even include that if we already have the stream? My other suggestion was to include the #cunyevents hashtag and change the name of the box from "Our Tweets" to "CUNY on Twitter." Feedback welcome, but not sure who to assign this to that this point.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

Thanks, Sarah. I like "CUNY on Twitter." The first four links, though, seem a bit hard to tell apart. Maybe we could say "Tweets from Commons Members" instead of "community" and rename a few others, too.

Actions #5

Updated by Chris Stein over 11 years ago

I like CUNY on Twitter as the title. I also think that we can have just one link to show both @cunycommons tweets and retweets. The hashtags are what they are and can just be listed. Below are a couple of options with Matt's suggestion and alternative.

I also think we should be clear and open about the lists so I added a few explanatory sentences that would go just under the links in the same box.

Title: CUNY on Twitter
Tweets from Commons Members
Tweets from around CUNY
@cunycommons Tweets (list would include RT too)

Title: CUNY on Twitter
Commons Member's Tweets
CUNY related Tweets
@cunycommons Tweets

Then in that same box we should have some explanatory text. Here is a first shot. "click here" should be a link to a new page we would make with the lists. "Tweets from Commons Members" and "Tweets from around CUNY" would be changed if alternative titles are picked. Also they should be bolded to make it clear they're titles.

The Tweets from Commons Members and the Tweets from around CUNY community are pulled from list of know Twitter accounts. To view the lists click here. If you are not on the list and would like to be added, or if you have any other comments, send an email to .

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

Thanks, Chris. "Commons Member's Tweets" is a bit awkward and grammatically troublesome, since it refers to a singular member. A plural case would be "Commons Members' Tweets" or "Commons Members's Tweets," both of which seem awkward to me. Meshing together our ideas, I'd say:

Title: CUNY on Twitter
Tweets from Commons Members
Tweets from around CUNY
@cunycommons Tweets

I think "around CUNY" could be improved, but "CUNY-related Tweets" seems like more of a description of #cuny than a list of tweets from people we've identified as being part of CUNY.

I like your explanatory text and want to suggest only that they be linked to the actual lists on twitter rather than a page on the Commons

Actions #7

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

This is all totally doable and I'm updating the layout and functionality of the various links now.

However, because I wasn't at the meeting I'm not sure I understand completely how these new link titles match up with the different twitter timelines I'm loading into the page.

Here is a list of the five widgets I've created on the Commons Twitter account, listed in the order they currently appear on our Twitter page:

1.) The main @cunycommons timeline
2.) A timeline of tweets mentioning @cunycommons
3.) A timeline of tweets from our "cunycommons" list
4.) A timeline of tweets from our "cuny" list
5.) A timeline of tweets containing "#cuny"

According to Matt's most recent update, here is what I think the new titles correspond to:

1.) @cunycommons Tweets
2.) Tweets from around CUNY
3.) Tweets from Commons Members
4.) #cunyevents
5.) #cuny

#4 is the one that doesn't make sense to me. Am I replacing the cuny list timeline with a timeline of tweets containing the hashtag #cunyevents?

Actions #8

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

I've attached a screenshot showing the new links on my local machine.

Actions #9

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

looks good to me, Dom, with the exception that "the list" in the explanation actually refers to two different list. I'd change it to "these lists"

Actions #10

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

OK, I've created the widget needed to display the #cunyevents timeline and edited the template to properly display that timeline - so that's good to go.

There's only one thing I still don't understand and it's about your last update Matt. Let me see if I can explain this as succinctly as possible. You said:

with the exception that "the list" in the explanation actually refers to two different lists

It is accurate that the first link now titled "Tweets from Commons Members" is a link that loads the timeline from our main cunycommons list (currently 443 members). But the second link titled "Tweets from around CUNY" currently loads a timeline of tweets that mention @cunycommons; which is obviously not a list. Technically it is a search similar to the links that load the #cuny and #cunyevents timelines. Is this not correct? Is the second link supposed to be loading a different list?

Actions #11

Updated by Sarah Morgano over 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Sarah Morgano to Dominic Giglio

Yes, the second one is this list: So it would make sense to update it to "if you are not on the lists..."

I'm also not sure how we would be able to link to both lists for the "To view the lists click here." Do we need that line or can we just take it out?

Actions #12

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

I'd just link the names of the lists [Tweets from Commons Members and the Tweets from around CUNY community] in the explanation and say "click on their names above"

Actions #13

Updated by Chris Stein over 11 years ago

This is looking good. Matt, I like your rewording for the link names (sorry about the misplaced apostrophe), but I would not add "click on their names above" because the explanation is trying to get people to a place where they can 1) understand how the lists are created and 2) see who is on the lists. That is why I suggested we create a page that explains 1. and then links to the list on Twitter so people can see 2 if they want.

If we go that route of creating an explanatory page with links to Twitter then here is a proposed wording:

The links to Tweets from the Commons Members and Tweets from around CUNY are pulled from lists of known Twitter accounts. To learn more about these lists [click here]. If you are not on the list and would like to be added, or if you have any other comments, please [contact us].

Another option is to change the wording a bit to maybe remove the need for the intermediate page but still get 1) and 2) covered.

The links to Tweets from the Commons Members and Tweets from around CUNY are pulled from lists of known Twitter accounts. Follow these links to view the Commons Members list and view the CUNY list. If you are not on the list and would like to be added, or if you have any other comments, please [contact us].

The links should be to the members pages and not the tweets since those are already visible. Like so:
I don't know the link for the CUNY list.

Actions #14

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

Thanks Sarah. I'll get that link updated today.

As an alternative to a separate page for the explanatory text (or even keeping it in the sidebar), I could put a small header paragraph on the Tweets from the Commons Members and the Tweets from around CUNY timelines. That way we could tailer each paragraph to that specific timeline with a link directly to that list on Twitter. This way we wouldn't have to worry about writing the appropriate text to differentiate between two links and two lists. Each header paragraph would be above its associated timeline, contextually.

Actions #15

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3

I've pushed the changes to the sidebar and the new (temporary) description text up to our repo so it's included in today's release. Just let me know your thoughts on the description text (should we move it to a header paragraph?) and we'll work out the best positioning and wording.

Because we're still working on the description text I've moved this issue to 1.5.3.

Actions #16

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

I'd prefer for us to separate the issues -- to have the renaming of links, etc., go in the current release, as they've been slated for (and as our documentation will document) and then for us to add explanatory text in the next release if necessary.

Actions #17

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

Sounds good to me Matt. I've removed the explanatory text and attached a screenshot showing what the sidebar now looks like on my local machine. I've pushed the changes up for today's release so we can get the new sidebar out in the wild now and update it with explanatory text in the 1.5.3 release.


Actions #18

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

Thanks, Dom. Can you please create a new ticket for the explanatory text?

Actions #19

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

The changes to the menu are now live. Per Matt's request, I've created a new ticket (#2793) to continue the discussion about explanatory text.


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