Bug #448
Media Element HTML5 Player Plugin
Added by scott voth about 14 years ago.
Updated about 14 years ago.
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
I tried for a long time to get this plugin to work. It works perfectly for audio. But for video, I always get an error message - [ERROR: No URL was passed to the generic video BBCode]. I am using a simple short code as described in the documentation. I uploaded a test video and keyed in the following:
[video src="http://testprivategroup.commons.gc.cuny.edu/files/2010/12/Wildlife.wmv" width="640" height="360"]
As I said, a similarly formatted shortcode for audio works fine.
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
- Target version set to 1.1.2
- Target version changed from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
Scott - As in the case of #447, do you have a local WP install to see whether the plugin works at all?
Hi Boone - Just tried this one on my other blog and it worked too. Hope this helps.
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Assigned
Yes, it helps. I hope you don't mind testing - the Commons is a complicated beast and I sometimes don't have the time to do the testing to ensure that the plugin is good on its own.
- Target version changed from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
Two apparent problems:
1) (small) Are you sure that this plugin can handle wmv?
2) (big) The plugin uses the 'video' shortcode, which is already in use by Viper Video Quicktags. VVQ was parsing your use of [video...] before ME was, and your syntax was not consistent with what VVQ needs.
VVQ is activated networkwide and cannot easily be deactivated or modified (see #490). So I have opted to change the ME video shortcode to 'mevideo' https://github.com/castiron/cac/commit/e281320283f685b60c9c0a098f896e4d47b81cc9 Try the following:
[mevideo src="http://testprivategroup.commons.gc.cuny.edu/files/2010/12/Wildlife.wmv" width="640" height="360"]
The latest changes have been pulled to cdev. Please give it a try there and let me know.
Hi Boone - Happy to retest - but can you provide the user id and password for this branch? Thanks.
To access cdev.gc.cuny.edu, use
Your WP password on cdev should be the same as on the production site, at least if you haven't changed it in the last few months. Otherwise just initiate a pw recovery.
Hi Boone - I tested this one and it looks good. Thanks.
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved
Excellent. Thanks for testing, Scott.
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