Feature #5222
closedChange email address in the footer of email notifications
Email notifications now contain the line:
"For any requests, please contact commons@gc.cuny.edu"
I'm cc'ing Marilyn and Steve here for confirmation, but I am not certain that we are checking that address regularly anymore. Instead, we should offer the direct zendesk email that will create tickets: support@cunycommons.zendesk.com
Marilyn and Steve, please confirm
And if we are no longer checking that address, we should search the entire Commons for mentions of commons@gc.cuny.edu and change them to this new address.
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 9 years ago
I'll make the change once I receive confirmation.
FYI, the email template can be altered through the "Settings > WP Better Emails" main Commons admin page.
Updated by Matt Gold about 9 years ago
FYI, the email template can be altered through the "Settings > WP Better Emails" main Commons admin page.
Aha! Thanks!
Steve and Marilyn, please confirm.
Updated by Matt Gold almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Raymond Hoh to Matt Gold
I noticed that this hadn't been done, so I've just made the change