Publicity #6014
openGoogle search listing
Report from a community member:
I wanted to let you know that I just did a quick google search of "CUNY Commons" and I was surprised to see that the first entry in the search list was as follows:
CUNY Academic Commons
CUNY Academic Commons
Originally a vibrant place to share resources, the Commons Wiki isn't used much any more. Members have more modern collaborative tools, and we've decided ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 8/7/16I am not sure how it got there but it is a disservice to your work. I don't know if you have a tech person who can trace this down.
I usually use Duck Duck Go myself, but I just checked Google and had slightly different -- but still potentially problematic -- results, in that the main listing seemed to show info from our slider rather than a general description of the site. Screenshot attached
If the dev team could look into this, I'd appreciate it.