



Feature #642


Create new BuddyPress Profile Field to Designate Role

Added by Matt Gold over 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
BuddyPress (misc)
Target version:
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% Done:


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Building upon this ticket - , I'd like to continue our discussion of the ways in which we should ask people to define themselves on the Commons. Namely, I'd like us to consider a profile field that would have people identify themselves as faculty members, grad students, staff, non-CUNY collaborators, etc.

A few questions:

1. What should the roles be? Here's a starter list:
  • Faculty member
  • CUNY staff member
  • CUNY administrator (should staff/administrator be collapsed?)
  • Graduate Student
  • Non-CUNY collaborator

2. Should the field be required? I say yes. What do you think?

3. Should it be a checkbox so that people can check more than one role if needed? I say yes.

Thoughts/other questions?

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #629: Create Required Profile Field to Define User StatusResolvedMatt Gold2011-03-01

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #643: Create Mechanism to Require People to Fill Out New Identity Profile FieldResolvedBoone Gorges2011-03-17

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #370: Guest AccountsAssignedMatt Gold2010-10-08

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #1199: Add Option for Open Text Field to BP Profile Checkbox FieldsResolvedBoone Gorges2011-09-25

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 13 years ago

  • Category name set to BuddyPress (misc)
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Matt Gold
  • Target version set to Not tracked
Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago

Hi All,

Given the discussion going on right now about new non-CUNY members, I'd like to see if we can take care of this relatively quickly.

So, a few issues and questions:

1. I'd like to propose, per Chris's suggestion in the Commons group, that we add "Non-CUNY" to the drop-down list of colleges.

2. Then, I'd like to set, as a required field, something called "Position," that would have the following options: Administrator, Faculty Member, Graduate Student, Other, Staff

Any objections? I'm on the fence about "Other" -- don't know whether it's necessary or not. It might be a choice that, say, errant undergrads might pick. But I'm happy to leave it out. Thoughts?

Technical Questions:
1. Boone, as I understand it, these changes will need to be made directly on the production server through the Network Admin > BuddyPress profile settings. Am I right about that? (ie., this would not be done through Git)

2. If we set these as required profile fields, what will happen to people who have not yet filled them out?

Thanks in advance to all of you for your thoughts.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Smith almost 13 years ago

I like the Non-CUNY title, simple and appropriate.

Looking at the original post, I think it might make sense to include "collaborator" or something similar in the drop-down. This could fulfill the role for non-CUNY members that might otherwise select "other." And then we might feel comfortable nixing "other."

And the original post mentions "role" versus the proposed "position." Somehow role seems a less hierarchical a term, not sure.

Actions #5

Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago

Yes, I like "Role" better than "Position," too. Thanks. Let's go with that.

My thought is that Non-CUNY members of the site are still likely to be faculty members, administrators, staff, grad students, etc. -- and so, they would choose "Non-CUNY" as a College and, say, "Faculty" as a role. Choosing "Collaborator" as a role, when the other choices are defined in traditional ways, might be strange. But I do agree with you that it's might be best not to include "Other"

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago

And one more thing -- the reason I'd like to have even Non-CUNY people choose something like "Faculty" or "Administrator" is that it will still be useful for our statistical analyses to know how many faculty members, etc., we have on the site.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago

Boone, as I understand it, these changes will need to be made directly on the production server through the Network Admin > BuddyPress profile settings. Am I right about that? (ie., this would not be done through Git)


If we set these as required profile fields, what will happen to people who have not yet filled them out?

See #643

Then, I'd like to set, as a required field, something called "Position," that would have the following options: Administrator, Faculty Member, Graduate Student, Other, Staff

CUNYites often drift between roles. I vote: make them checkboxes, so you can select more than one. Include an "Other" checkbox with a text field where someone can enter something else. The concern about undergraduates using such a box seems a bit misplaced; if an undergrad wants on the site, a dropdown's not going to stop them.

Actions #8

Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago

Thanks, Boone. I like the checkboxes; let's go with that, though one detriment to that approach is that the less constrained our choices, the harder it could potentially be to analyze the numbers of people in various roles. Then again, more constrained choices can lead to bad data if people are required to fill out a field that doesn't include a logical choice for them. So let's go with checkboxes.

FWIW, I wasn't thinking that dropdowns would stop undergrads so much as help us identify some of them. But, in the end, that's neither here nor there....

Actions #9

Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

Okay: this is done. Someone else (Boone?) had already added "*Non-CUNY" to the College list. I added a new required field called "Role" to the Profile. I set it up as checkboxes, but I didn't see a way to have one of those checkboxes open out in a text field if selected (ie., "If Other, please describe:")

Actions #10

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago

Someone else (Boone?) had already added "*Non-CUNY" to the College list

Not me.

I didn't see a way to have one of those checkboxes open out in a text field if selected

OK, this can be a further enhancement at some point.


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