Feature #9224
attachments to forum posts clutter up Files area
Added by Marilyn Weber about 7 years ago.
Updated almost 7 years ago.
Category name:
Group Files
User Kate Wildson writes: "I'm using the Commons site for a course. When I post notices (for HW, etc), they appear in the files section, under unrelated files. How can I configure that Forum posts stay only in forum posts, and don't clutter the files?"
Boone, Matt asked me to raise this issue with you - "I think we had attachments to forum posts show up in the files section as a way of making it easier to find any files associated with the group; I think this issue is an unintended consequence of that. Maybe we can/should have forum files automatically added to an automatically created "Forum" folder in the files section or give group admins the ability to turn off the functionality that auto-adds forum file attachments to the files section."
What do you think?
- Subject changed from attachments to forum posts to attachments to forum posts clutter up Files area
- Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
- Target version set to Future release
I think we had attachments to forum posts show up in the files section as a way of making it easier to find any files associated with the group
Correct. See #5732. I wouldn't call this "an unintended consequence" - this is the feature itself, not a consequence of the feature, and the user happens not to like the feature.
We could build a toggle, though it seems non-obvious to add this kind of admin setting, which I'd bet few would ever find and fewer would ever use. Automatically putting everything into a Forum Attachments folder or something like that - and doing it for everyone, with no setting for changing the behavior - seems better to me.
I do think that putting forum attachments in a specific "Forum Attachments" or "Forum" folder in the Files section would be a good solution for now.
- Target version changed from Future release to 1.13
OK - can you let me know how you'd like it named? This should be pretty straightforward.
"Forum Attachments" seems good to me, unless you have a better idea
- Category name set to Group Files
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Assigned
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
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