Design/UX #9651
closedLeaving site w/ multiple users
TLDR: I'm looking for a way to remove myself from a Commons site without being an administrator or contacting the administrator.
The Whole Deal: This semester, Laurie & Luke discovered that the BuddyPress Forum plugin has a default setting that auto-assigned the editor role to visitors of a site on which the plugin was activated (Redmine ticket #9211). Since I trawl around looking for content to surface, usually while I'm logged in so I can make use of PressItForward, I've become an editor on a number of sites. I can't find a way to remove myself, though, without contacting a site administrator. Finding that person is often difficult since contact information may or may not be listed on the site and I can't find much that would be helpful on the dashboard side either. So I'm looking for a way I can do this myself.
This type of feature might be useful moving forward, too, especially as the number of courses taught on the Commons increases. I'm a participant in a few course sites from years ago, for instance. To get myself removed I'd have to go through the instructor (if they're still at CUNY; if they know how to remove a user; if they respond).
In a pinch, someone on the back end can probably take care of this if I submit a Redmine ticket or a Help Email, but it might be more helpful just to have a button or something next to "visit" on the My Sites page (for example).
Related issues
Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
Hi Paul,
How easy would it be for you to provide us with a list of sites on which you need to be removed?
Updated by Paul Hebert almost 7 years ago
I've made lists of the sites below.
One quirk: The My Sites page does not display the sites in the first list. They only appear from the drop-down menu (see screen shot). Maybe because of the role?
These are the sites I've acquired this semester, I think through simple browsing:
The two sites in bold are Faculty Fellows this semester and from the mid-semester report it looks like both of those sites have these plugins IN COMMON (you'll notice bbPRess is there):
Add users Sidebar
Category Sticky Post
Below are examples of sites that I'm linked to because they were old classes that I've taken (rather than taught). One is yours Matt, from six years ago(!). I'm not really saying that I want out of this particular site (my posts wouldn't disappear, right?), but I guess it highlights a situation in which someone might want to remove themselves?
Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago
Thanks, Paul. I've removed you from the first set of sites, so that should at least take care of the immediate problem.
Boone, if you have thoughts about functionality improvements and/or ways to deal with the fallout from the forum issue ( please let us know
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago
- Target version set to 1.14
Thanks, Matt.
This is a request we've fielded in the past. It makes sense to me to add a piece of interface to handle it. We just need some guidance about where that interface should live and what it should look like. IMO it's a feature that few users will need, so it's OK if it's not in a super-obvious spot, as long as it's documented in an easily-findable way. (Maybe a button on the user's Sites listing
cc Erik for any thoughts about placement/flow, Ray for thoughts about whether there are existing tools for this (I couldn't find any in a brief search)
Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago
Thanks, Boone. Yes, a button on the user's Sites listings seems like a perfect place to me.
Updated by Erik Trainer almost 7 years ago
- File leave sites 1.png leave sites 1.png added
- File leave sites 2.png leave sites 2.png added
- File leave sites 3.png leave sites 3.png added
- Clicking "Sites" on the main nav bar >> Clicking "All Sites" and locating a site the user is part of OR Clicking "My Sites" and only viewing the user's sites
- Clicking "My Sites" from the right side menu >> landing on the "My Sites" section of the "Commons Profile" tab
I mocked up a design featuring a "Leave Site" button underneath the "Visit Site" and "Follow" buttons. It would only be visible for sites the user has joined, and it would look the same across both locations above.
As I understand it, once you leave a site, the only way to get back is to be re-invited. Is that correct?
If so, I'd argue for a confirmation dialog, rather than, say, an undo once the button is clicked. The confirmation should explain the outcome of the action in the body.
Since there is already a mechanism on the Commons to delete a site as an administrator, it doesn't make sense to me to show the "Leave Site"button if the user is an administrator of that site.
Curious to get people's thoughts!
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago
Thanks, Erik!
Steps 2 and 3 look good to me. Can you recall any prior art we have elsewhere on the Commons for the popup interface in step 2? If so, we should use it; if not, we could use this as an opportunity to create it. (I can take a look too - just thought I'd ask, since you've recently poked around.)
Regarding step 1, a couple questions/thoughts:
a. Putting the button below the 'Latest Post' link feels odd to me. Do you think it'll be button-fatigue if we add it just under 'Visit Site' and 'Follow'?
b. 'Follow' is an action, as is 'Leave Site'. 'Visit Site' is not. The site title at the left is already a link to the site. What if we got rid of 'Visit Site'? It would reduce the potential for button fatigue.
c. 'Leave Site' might be redundant; we don't say 'Follow Site'. Is 'Leave' too opaque?
d. You suggest we don't show the button for sites where the user is an admin. Will users be confused if they don't see a button in these cases? What do you think of having the Leave button, but disabling it, with a hover message to the effect that 'You cannot leave this site because you are an administrator' or something like that?
e. I think it's important not to let a user leave a site if they are the sole administrator. If the site has more than one admin, it seems less important - I'd argue we should allow leaving in this case. What do you think?
Updated by Erik Trainer almost 7 years ago
- File leave group confirm.png leave group confirm.png added
- File leave site text links.png leave site text links.png added
Great points, Boone. Some more thoughts below:
I was using "leave group" as my point of comparison when thinking about the pop up in step 2. When the user leaves a group, we use a pretty standard js confirmation dialog (screenshot attached). I think we can improve the UX here, and in similar confirmation dialogs, in a few ways:- present the action as a question in the header
- explain the outcome of the action in the body of the dialog
- restate the action in the confirmation button
To your points regarding step 1:
For me "leave site" is a secondary action, and should be de-emphasized in the design, hence placing it below the other buttons. I think "Leave" would be ok for the sake of consistency. "Delete" doesn't quite make sense to me, because it's not the same as the delete an admin would perform. To de-emphasize "leave" further, it might make sense to use a text link instead of a button.
I do agree that the "Visit Site" button is redundant, and would be in favor of removing it.
Thanks for pointing out that the user might not be the sole administrator of the site. I think you're right here; they should be allowed to leave if there is another site admin.
I like the idea of disabling the button if the user is the sole administrator, and showing a tooltip. How about "You cannot leave this site because you are the sole administrator"?
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago
Thanks for bearing with me, Erik :) This sounds like enough for me to build a prototype, which I'll do after our 1.13 release. It may make it easier to decide on the details (styling as a button vs link, etc).
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- File Peek 2018-09-27 15-18.gif added
I've made a first pass at this.
I opted to put the link only when the user is viewing the Sites subtab on the Commons Profile. I wanted to sorta hide it for two reasons. One is that it's somewhat costly to generate - I have to pull up membership for sites, which can add a lot of overhead that I'd like to avoid for most browsing situations. Two is that it's not something people often need; burying in this place makes it possible to point people here through documentation, without putting the functionality front and center.
The attached gif shows what the link looks like and how it works.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- File deleted (
Peek 2018-09-27 15-18.gif)
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- Category name set to Blogs (BuddyPress)
Updated by Sonja Leix over 6 years ago
Boone Gorges added:
File Peek 2018-09-27 15-26.gif Peek 2018-09-27 15-26.gif added
I agree that the action of "Leaving Site" should not get the primary action button style, a link instead works. The red is in line with the "removing" action the link will execute, it however draws a lot of attention to the link. It's debatable how much attention we want to draw to this action, but I'm ok with keeping it red.
Looking at Boones gif, which is a great implementation of the discussed, it definitely is getting to a point of button / option fatigue on the right. I agree that we should be able to remove the "Visit Site" button since the site titles are linked and underlined, indicating it's a link. Users should not have a hard time adjusting to this change.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
Thanks, Sonja!
I made it red in keeping with other "destructive" actions, like deleting posts. But I agree that it draws a lot of attention to it. I'm also not a huge fan of putting the link next to "Visit Site" and "Follow", which are "positive" actions that can be performed by anyone, while "leave" is more of an administrative action.
Actually, here's another idea. How about if we do the following:
1. Remove "Visit Site", as discussed above.
2. Somewhere else in the My Sites list - like, maybe at the lower left of each item in the Sites list, under the name or the avatar, have a bit of text like "You are an Administrator on this site - Leave Site" where the last few words are a link to leave.
This adds a bit of bulk to this screen, but it also sets apart the status/administrative button (which only site members see, while looking at the My Sites panel) from the stuff that all members see on all Site directories at the right.
Updated by Sonja Leix over 6 years ago
- File 9651_leave-site-text-link-left.jpg 9651_leave-site-text-link-left.jpg added
- File 9651_leave-site-link-in-dropdown.jpg 9651_leave-site-link-in-dropdown.jpg added
Great points Boone!
I've mocked up two options. One following your new idea of having the text and link on the left below the site title "You are an Administrator on this site - Leave Site". This brought up a few questions:
1. If you're not an Administrator of a site, are you a Site Member? What are the various roles someone could be.
2. If you're not an Administrator should we show that text at all or just have the "Leave Site" link?
3. If someone is the sole Administrator, should we verbalize that and then as mentioned in this tread disable the "Leave Site" link
The second option I've mocked up is making the "Leave Site" link less visible since it's a secondary action, one that should be available, but won't be used on a regular basis by an individual. I've added a dropdown called "More" or just an arrow for short (if we use just the arrow, we'll need to add an appropriate screen reader text) and then have "Leave Site" under that.
Addition: In option 1 I've played with having the "Leave Site" link in red or black.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- File Screenshot_2018-10-04_20-07-15.png Screenshot_2018-10-04_20-07-15.png added
- File Screenshot_2018-10-04_20-06-52.png Screenshot_2018-10-04_20-06-52.png added
- Status changed from Assigned to Testing Required
Thanks very much for the thoughtful options, Sonja.
A "More" dropdown sounds like it might be useful throughout the Commons, but I'd suggest that it's a large enough change that we might want to consider it more broadly, and not use this back corner of the site as a testing group.
I've implemented a version of your "link left". The markup on this page is truly horrific, with the odd "Latest Post" thing scrunched in the corner in a way that's almost impossible to deal with. I've rewritten that whole bit so that the "You are an Administrator..." link matches (in typography and in alignment) the "Latest Post" text. All this was impossible to use on mobile, so I also made some adjustments that made sense in that context. See screenshots.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
One thing I forgot to mention above, but which is visible in the screenshots, is that I opted for the language "You are the sole Administrator on this site" for cases where the user cannot leave the site due to being the only administrator. Thus, the link is removed, and the slightly differing language ("the sole...") implicitly explains why there's no link there. Thoughts about this are welcome.
Updated by Sonja Leix over 6 years ago
Agreed on implementing the "more" dropdown option across the site. Should we add this for the next release as a ticket to discuss?
Thanks so much for widening the column for the latest post, that looks horrible right now on the live site in the narrow right column. I like the way you implemented it. I think it works well.
Looking forward to other folk's feedback.
Updated by Matt Gold over 6 years ago
This works for me if it works for both of you. Thank you for thinking it through!
Updated by Sonja Leix over 6 years ago
Matt Gold wrote:
This works for me if it works for both of you. Thank you for thinking it through!
Sounds great! I've added a new issue for this: #10464
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved
Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #8292: Users should be able to remove themselves from multi-author sites added