



Feature #9895


Add "Accept Invitation" link/button/function to Group and/or Site invitation emails?

Added by Luke Waltzer almost 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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Right now, when a user gets an email inviting them to join a group or a site, the email includes a link to that destination and a link to the manage invitations page. Not sure how we didn't think of this before... but shouldn't the email also include a link that allows someone to accept the invitation from the context of the email? Otherwise, they have to know to click on the second link in the email and that they have to go to their manage invitations page before they can accept the invite.


Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

screenshot attached

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to New
  • Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Chris Stein
  • Target version set to Future release

One-click acceptance would only work for known existing members.

Ray, I assume there are technical issues in the current implementation that would require some work - nonce checks and the like.

One could argue that we want people to go to the site to do this kind of action, since it will remind them of other pending invitations, notifications, etc. This would weigh in favor of not having one-click acceptance. If the concern is that the Manage link is buried, we can probably mitigate with improved formatting/language in the email.

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

Yes -- at the least we should make the action step more visible and reconsider the language. The main thing people will want to do after receiving an invitation is to accept or reject it; the link we provide (whether a direct one-click action or a link that helps people navigate to a page where they can accept/reject) should be a bit clearer than it is now (right now, we give the group name more prominence than the action step)

Revised language might be something like "Accept or reject this invitation" and could take people to that management page

Actions #4

Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 7 years ago

One-click acceptance would only work for known existing members.

Ray, I assume there are technical issues in the current implementation that would require some work - nonce checks and the like.

That's correct. If we added the nonce to the accept/reject URLs to the email, nonces in WordPress expire in 24 hours by default. So if someone clicked on those links after 24 hours, they would become invalid and would not work.

I think changing the wording in the email is probably the easiest fix.

Actions #5

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

I would suggest we take a two-pronged solution.

1. Fix the wording, and do so as soon as possible (Luke and I saw this issue pop up a total of four times today, all in connection to invitations sent out to this group -- four different people had problems with it). So, for this fix, I would suggest doing the following:

[User] has invited you to join the following spaces on the CUNY Academic Commons:

Group: [Group Name] ---> but with no hyperlink

Click here to accept or reject the invitation [link to invitation management screen] or [click here] to visit the group homepage [link to group]

If we can bold the action step about accepting/rejecting rather than bolding/putting emphasis on the group name, as we do now (again, see screenshot), I think that will lead people in the right direction. Basically, we should be sure that the action link is what is most prominent, as it's clear from our experience today that people are clicking on the group name now (and then requesting membership once they get there)

2. I think we can explore a one-click acceptance of group membership separately and don't see it as a big deal if the link expires after a day as long as we make that expiration clear.

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Chris Stein to Boone Gorges
Actions #7

Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 7 years ago

The problem with the suggested email copy is multiple groups (and sites) can be chosen when inviting a user.

I've made the following proposed change to the last line of the email:

[User] has invited you to join the following spaces on the CUNY Academic Commons:

Group: [List of groups] ---> but with no hyperlink

Click here to view all your [pending invitations](link to invite management screen).

Once on their invite management page, the user can then choose to visit the group and site homepages if desired.

Actions #8

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

Thanks, Ray. Can you please make the following changes, too, if you haven't already done so?

-- adjust the styling so that the action step of viewing the pending invitations has visual prominence over the list of groups

-- remove the group URLs from the list of groups so that they can't be copied

I think we should put this in as a hotfix if possible. thank you for all of your work on it.

Actions #9

Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 7 years ago

I've pushed a fix to remove the links from the group and site lists here -

This is live on production.

As for:

adjust the styling so that the action step of viewing the pending invitations has visual prominence over the list of groups

Can you let me know what needs to be changed? The "Status" column that displays the buttons is already the first column in the table:

Actions #10

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago

Ray, I think that the request was in reference to the email content, not the Manage Invitations page itself.

I've made a modification to the email, which you can see in the screenshot. It adds a header for visual differentiation and changes the link text. If you'd like something different, please be specific so that we can implement it.

Actions #11

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

Thanks, Boone. Can you please test with a message added, too? Attached is a test I ran this morning; I think we should include the message to see how it looks

Actions #12

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

But, for now, in response to your changes:

overall, they look good. thank you. Please delete the large, bold "Accept this invitation" text; I don't think it's needed. If you can do a sample with the "Manage Invitations Page" link bolded, I would appreciate seeing it. thank you

Actions #13

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago

The attached screenshot shows the changes.

Actions #14

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

Thanks, Boone. That looks good to me


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