Bug #12166
Profile changes not saving
Added by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Category name:
Public Portfolio
From #12165:
2)"When I try to make changes to my profile, they do not save. I click "ok" and then "save changes" but they immediately disappear, as though I had not typed anything. Any idea why this might be happening?
Submitted from: https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/lkolb/"
"I am typing (not pasting) into the "Reviews" field, a field which I added.
In order to test things, I just tried typing into the "Publications" field, which comes with the profile. The changes do save, in that field."
- Related to Support #11907: more publications problems (in profile) added
- Related to Support #11811: Content of Publications widget on profile page being erased on save added
Alas, no. She writes: "Thanks for continuing to look into this. I created the "reviews" category several months ago. The current problem is that I cannot add anything to it, or make changes within it. (I can make the changes, but they do not save)."
Hm. I was able to do the following:
- Visit https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/lkolb/ (as a super admin)
- Click Edit Profile
- Click into the Reviews area, and add some test text
- Click OK to exit edit mode on the Reviews section
- Click Save Changes
- Page reloads with changes applied.
Marilyn, could you please try the steps above as a super admin to see if you can reproduce the user's problem?
For reference, the current text of the field is:
“Pretty sprinkled judgement: The textual chemistry of Shakespeare’s sources.” Review of Dennis McCarthy and June Schlueter, “A Brief Discourse of Rebellion and Rebels” by George North: A newly uncovered manuscript source for Shakespeare’s plays and John Kerrigan Shakespeare’s Originality. The Times Literary Supplement (TLS). January 11, 2019.
where the quoted text links to https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/private/pretty-sprinkled-judgement/.
Same for me. Perhaps she isn't clicking Save Changes? Will ask.
She replies:
"Thanks for this--I did indeed follow these steps. Weirdly, I can save changes in other fields, like "Publications"--but I cannot save them in fields, like "Reviews," that I myself created. I will try a different computer when I have access. It's odd, but it seems like it might be unfixable for now--please don't worry about it more!"
So this seems low priority but still vexing
Thanks to you and to her for persisting. If it's reproducible, it's probably fixable. If it turns out that the behavior is different on a different browser/OS setup, it'd help narrow down the situation. And if it turns out to have something to do with the specific content she's typing, that'd help too.
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Abandoned
- Target version set to Not tracked
In the name of closing out stale tickets, I'm going to close this one. If you hear more reports like this one, let's reopen with details.
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