



Bug #12183


User cannot access their sites

Added by Laurie Hurson about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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Hi All,

I think this might be related to the issue discussed on the dev call yesterday and mentioned in the ticket #12165. I had some trouble following the specifics but I think I understood that its related to the deletion of users from sites or the wiping of the user roles on a site?

In this case, a Commons user is trying to access a site on which he is an admin. He can view the site in My Sites but when he clicks he is re-directed to the Commons page.

His user name is "fcanela" and the site he is trying to access is

That's all the info I have right now but Let me know if I need to follow up with him about anything else

Related issues

Has duplicate CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #12184: loss of administrative rightsDuplicate2019-12-04

Actions #1

Updated by Laurie Hurson about 5 years ago

Not sure if this is how we should be reporting these but another user just emailed reporting the same issue:

User: Van Bich Tran

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #12184: loss of administrative rights added
Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago

Looking into it.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago

Adding Ray as a watcher. At a glance, I don't see evidence that this is related to #12180 and yesterday's incident, and I wonder whether it might be due to something related to the new private-site infrastructure in 1.16. I'm continuing to investigate.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges
  • Target version set to 1.16.1

This was caused by a missing restore_current_blog() after a switch_to_blog(), introduced as part of the 1.16 release. Fixed in In addition, the function in question should not have been called at all in most contexts; this has been fixed in

These changes have been deployed to production. Could I get someone to confirm please?

Actions #7

Updated by Laurie Hurson about 5 years ago

Ho Boone,

Sorry for the delay. These faculty have confirmed that this issue is resolved.

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved

Thanks for confirming!


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