Feature #13458
closedSimplifying/Reducing verbiage on Registration Page
I was just looking at the registration page. I know we made some effort a while ago to simplify the page, as it had a pretty overwhelming amount of text. Looking at it now, I think it still presents a wall of text, and I'd like to see if we can reduce some of the text on the page. Here are some suggestions:
Current: "Registering for the CUNY Academic Commons is easy. Just fill in the fields below and we'll get a new account set up for you in no time."
Proposed: Remove this entire line.
Rationale: it's bad form to say something is "easy" -- some people may find it difficult. And this direction seems extraneous, since the purpose of the page is pretty straightforward.
Current: "Because the Commons is meant to be a space for collaboration between members of the City University of New York, a CUNY email address is required to use the site. Please use your CUNY email address to register. You may change your preferred email address after registering if you'd like." to
Proposed: "A CUNY email address is required for registration. You may change your preferred email address after registering."
Rationale: condensing language.
Current: "Note: The CUNY Academic Commons is currently available for use by CUNY faculty, staff, students, graduate alumni, postdocs, and (in special cases) non-CUNY members involved in CUNY projects."
Proposed: Remove the word "Note" and all bolding in this sentence.
Rationale: bold text clutters the page. I think we can unbold this. And we can remove the unnecessary word "Note"
Current: "Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site. If there is a Gravatar associated with your account email we will use that, or you can upload an image from your computer."
Proposed: "Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site." (remove "If there is a Gravatar associated with your account email we will use that, or you can upload an image from your computer.")
Rationale: Gravatar is pretty WordPress-specific language, and I doubt it has meaning for most users. I think the idea of uploading an avatar image is pretty well-recognized as a practice on the internet and doesn't need explanation
Current: "Brief Descriptor"
Proposed: I don't know what would be better, but this seems to me like a somewhat unclear designation. Does anyone have ideas for alternatives?
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
- Target version set to 1.18.0
Happy to make these changes once there's consensus.
Updated by Laurie Hurson over 4 years ago
Thanks for this Matt, I think these simplifications makes a lot of sense. Some thoughts:
Proposed: "A CUNY email address is required for registration. You may change your preferred email address after registering."
Do we want to clarify which cuny email address we mean? (campus, not cuny first "email")
Perhaps we could add a line like: "Please use your campus email address (e.g. name@brooklyn.cuny.edu), NOT the CUNYFirst web login (e.g. name@login.cuny.edu)." This could be added at the top or above the box where email is input (next to email input might be more effective).
Proposed: "Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site." (remove "If there is a Gravatar associated with your account email we will use that, or you can upload an image from your computer.")
I agree that gravtar/extra clarification is not needed here.
Brief Descriptor
It seems like most folks use this as a space for their role or position at CUNY/on the Commons. Perhaps "role at CUNY" is more clear. The sentence below the input field also helps clarify.
Updated by Colin McDonald over 4 years ago
Thanks, Laurie. Marilyn and Scott, do you have any thoughts on this since you so often see that fallout of registration confusion?
Updated by scott voth over 4 years ago
I like all these changes. I might change this one:
A CUNY email address is required for registration. You may change your preferred email address after registering.
A CUNY email address is required for registration, but once you are a member, you can switch to the email address you prefer.
Updated by Colin McDonald over 4 years ago
I took a stab at consolidating all of this below. If the text from the current register page isn't here, it stays as-is. I think we want to avoid using "Role" twice in the Profile Details page, so I suggested changing Brief Descriptor to Brief Introduction, alongside the help sentence that clarifies.
Sign Up
A CUNY email address is required for registration. Once you are a member, you can switch to the email address you prefer.
The CUNY Academic Commons is currently available for use by CUNY faculty, staff, students, graduate alumni, postdocs, and (in special cases) non-CUNY members involved in CUNY projects.
Account Details
Username (required) — You will use this to log in. Your username will be publicly visible by all visitors. Commons members will also be able to use it to send quick notes (aka mentions) to you.
Email Address (required) — Please use your campus email address (e.g. name@brooklyn.cuny.edu), NOT the CUNYFirst web login (e.g. name@login.cuny.edu).
Password (required)
Profile Photo — Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site.
Profile Details
Your responses in the form fields below will be displayed on your Public Portfolio. Once you've logged in, you can change your visibility preferences under Settings. Only your name and college are required. You can always add, edit, or remove information at a later date.
Full Name (required)
Brief Introduction
A one-line summary of who you are and what you do at CUNY.
Updated by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago
All this looks good. Maybe i would replace "A CUNY email address" with "A CUNY campus email address" in the 1st sentence, but it's not that important.
Updated by Chris Stein over 4 years ago
A suggestion (I mentioned at a meeting) to rename "Brief Descriptor" to "One-Line Bio" to help make sure people understand this must be short.
Another suggestion from another person was to also add a character limit. Neither was discussed.
Updated by Colin McDonald over 4 years ago
Here's the final copy. Boone how do we go about updating this?
Sign Up
A CUNY campus email address is required for registration. Once you are a member, you can switch to the email address you prefer.
The CUNY Academic Commons is currently available for use by CUNY faculty, staff, students, graduate alumni, postdocs, and (in special cases) non-CUNY members involved in CUNY projects.
Account Details
Username (required) — You will use this to log in. Your username will be publicly visible by all visitors. Commons members will also be able to use it to send quick notes (aka mentions) to you.
Email Address (required) — Please use your campus email address (e.g. name@brooklyn.cuny.edu), NOT the CUNYFirst web login (e.g. name@login.cuny.edu).
Password (required)
Profile Photo — Your profile photo will be used on your profile and throughout the site.
Profile Details
Your responses in the form fields below will be displayed on your Public Portfolio. Once you've logged in, you can change your visibility preferences under Settings. Only your name and college are required. You can always add, edit, or remove information at a later date.
Full Name (required)
One-Line Bio
A one-line summary of who you are and what you do at CUNY.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Testing Required
I've made the changes in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/5dddc612679199414b53828864249533eafda201 and https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/f931d503a28f8eaebe4a65f07ba899d8a52f784e. I'm not 100% certain that I got everything right - there were a few cases where I wasn't sure which text I was supposed to be replacing. It's ready for review on cdev, so please let me know if there are errors.
Updated by Colin McDonald over 4 years ago
All looks good to me Boone, except adding this line under the line at the start of the page that begins "A CUNY campus email address..." --
The CUNY Academic Commons is currently available for use by CUNY faculty, staff, students, graduate alumni, postdocs, and (in special cases) non-CUNY members involved in CUNY projects.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
Thanks, Colin. Added in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/54a848e0b794b5a070ee2f1eb210db58b2530c15
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved