



Outreach #14777


Email to faculty who create course groups and site

Added by Laurie Hurson almost 3 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

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Hi All,

Following up on the conversation in Friday's meeting about creating an outreach email to faculty who create groups and sites and indicate "teaching" in the purpose field. From our conversation, i think this email will focus on how to onboard students to the group/site. Do we want to include any other info in this email?

Also, I wanted to talk through how this email might be sent out. I think maybe there are two possibilities? Ideas below...

1: The outreach/documentation email is automated through the Commons. This could possibly be through a "teaching" group similar to how the group for group admins works. When someone creates a group/site with "teaching" purpose they are automatically added to the teaching group, and somehow (if possible?) the email gets automatically sent this way. But A- I am not sure if this is technically possible, and B- I can see this getting really messy; for example sometimes students select the "teaching" purpose for a course they created through a class (another issue for another time, maybe we need a "class project" purpose?). So this may be more technical lift and create more confusion but it also has benefit of automating the process (if possible)

2: I could manually send these emails to faculty from a list Boone provides at the start of each semester. This would probably require pulling data several times during the start of the semester to make sure we catch all faculty who have created course group/sites. It's a bit more work but it allows us to make sure faculty are receiving this email, and it adds the benefit of a direct connection between the faculty member and support for teaching with the commons.

I think I lean toward option 2 but would be interested to hear what you all think and if there might be other ways to do this.




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