



Support #15176


Archiving Q Writing & Old Wordpress Sites on the Commons

Added by Laurie Hurson about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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Hi Boone, Ray, All,

I am meeting with librarians and staff from Queens College later this week to talk about the use of Q-Writing and the Commons on their campus. I spoke with them last semester and they had asked about some form of migration or archiving of Q writing on the Commons.

Some background: Q Writing is a Wordpress multi-site platform that the Queens College Center for Teaching and Learning set up years ago. As far as I can tell, it is not as consistently used or maintained as the Commons or other campus-specific Wordpress platforms throughout CUNY. The Queens college folks have asked about the "possibility of incorporating QC’s current WordPress MU site into the Commons." Qwriting currently has 8,195 sites and 22,538 users.

I told them migrating or archiving Q writing in the Commons was probably not possible but when I spoke to Matt briefly about it, he mentioned I should ask about HTML flattening or other possibilities. The Queens college folks had thought about setting up a CBOX to replace Q writing but I told them, and they likely already knew, that setting CBOX presented that same maintenance and sustainability issues they were already experiencing.

Any insight about possibilities for archiving, flattening, etc would be appreciated. Even if we can only do some of the sites (or none), that would be helpful for me to know and share with them when we meet on Thursday.



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