



Feature #21383


Feature #21380: Hosting migration

Offload media using S3-Uploads

Added by Boone Gorges 2 months ago. Updated 10 days ago.

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As part of our migration to Reclaim, we will be offloading our media files to Amazon S3. This is necessary for cost reasons, as well as for compatibility with load-balancing and other high-availability infrastructure at Reclaim.

Reclaim has requested that we use the following tool from Human Made:

Our first task is to gauge compatibility between this tool and the various parts of the Commons. As a starting place, here's a list of concerns:

1. We currently have a custom tool that uses a dynamically-generated .htaccess file to protect files uploaded to a private site. See We've got to determine whether this will continue to be compatible with S3-Uploads. My initial guess is that it won't, since S3-Uploads filters attachment URLs. Related, S3-Uploads allows uploaded files to be "private" I don't really understand what this does, so we'll have to research and understand whether it accomplishes something similar, and if so, how we migrate to it.

2. We allow file uploads of several types that aren't related to the WP Media Library. On the primary site, this includes user avatars, group avatars, forum attachments, buddypress-group-documents. On secondary sites, it might include various plugins that use a non-standard technique for accepting uploads (see eg Gravity Forms). We need to figure out what S3-Uploads means for all of these. It's possible that S3-Uploads won't interfere with them at all - ie, files will continue to be uploaded to and served from the web server. If so, we'll have to determine whether this is OK (in terms of performance, backups, cost, etc). The answer may differ depending on file type: I can image, for example, that it'd be OK to keep avatars on the web server, but that we'd be more motivated to move (potentially much larger) buddypress-group-documents to S3.

3. Reclaim has suggested that our team may want to roll out S3-Uploads integration before we do our final migration. There are a couple of reasons to like this idea: it reduces the number of moving parts on migration day, and it gives us plenty of lead time to upload existing files (1+ TB worth) to S3 well in advance of the launch date. Our team needs to decide whether this is feasible, and if so, when it will happen. Reclaim is serving as our vendor for AWS (ie we're paying Reclaim, and they're paying AWS), so we would need Reclaim to help us configure our bucket(s) in order for us to move forward with this.

Ray and Jeremy, I've never run a large site with S3-offloaded content, and I've definitely never run a migration of an existing site. Have you? It would be great to get your impression of the project, and your warnings about potential problems that I haven't discussed above.


s3-uploads.diff (1.13 KB) s3-uploads.diff Boone Gorges, 2025-01-03 01:34 PM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #21483: CV cover/profile image URL generation not compatible with S3-UploadsResolvedJeremy Felt2024-11-13

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #21666: Forum attachment URLs in group library are not filtered by s3-uploadsRejectedBoone Gorges2024-12-18


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