Feature #2613
closedRequest: Update social media link options on profile pages
as a result of discussion on ticket #2587
Request to update social media link options to include the following:
- Tumblr (content publishing)
- Instagram (image publishing)
- Pinterest (bulletin board publishing)
- google + (social network)
- Blogger (content publishing)
- Picasa (image publishing)
- YouTube (video content)
- Vimeo (video content)
- github (programming / code publishing)
- last.fm (social network based on scrobbling aka tracking music you listen to on iTunes, Spotify, etc.)
- Newer social networking interfaces might add to the current-ness of the Commons profile
- Expansion of social network adds to Commons network
there are obviously a lot of options, so that might be something to discuss as part of this request.
Current list of options:
- Blog
- Twitter
- IM*
- LinkedIn
- flickr
- YouTube
- Facebook
- Delicious*
- Skype
- FriendFeed*
- academia.edu
If it was an either or situation, i would vote for removing the ones i marked with an asterisk, which seem either outdated and/or less popular than the new suggestions.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Gold almost 12 years ago
- Category name set to BuddyPress (misc)
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
Thanks for this, Erika. Adding Chris to this ticket as the number of social media options we would give people brings up some UI issues, especially with the new profiles on the way.
Updated by local admin almost 12 years ago
@matt thanks. i totally agree. i will be very interested in the discussion re: UI issues. :-)
forgot to mention that since i am not an academic there might be OpenAccess publishing platforms, etc. cf. Academia.edu that i'm unaware of that might be more desirable options than the purely social network-based options listed above.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 11 years ago
- Target version set to Future release
Assigning a milestone to get this ticket out of purgatory. Let's circle around to it when we do a sweep through Future Release after the next major release. Chris, if you want to chime in before then, feel free.
Updated by Chris Stein over 11 years ago
I'm OK with pushing this. It would be nice to have more options but I don't think it should hold up the new profiles. Matt's point about possible UI issues with many options is well taken and may be more easily addressed once the new profiles are in place.
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago
Updated by Boone Gorges over 11 years ago
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Dominic Giglio
Dom - That's fine with me, yes. I'd like Matt or Chris to chime in with the final word on what the list should look like.
Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago
Here's my suggestion
New inclusions:
- Tumblr (content publishing)
- Instagram (image publishing)
- Pinterest (bulletin board publishing)
- google + (social network)
- Picasa (image publishing)
- YouTube (video content)
- Vimeo (video content)
- github (programming / code publishing)
- last.fm (social network based on scrobbling aka tracking music you listen to on iTunes, Spotify, etc.)
Delete from current list of options:
- IM*
- FriendFeed*
Chris, please let me know whether you have thoughts/suggestions
Updated by Chris Stein over 11 years ago
Matt, that sounds fine. I agree with the fact that IM and FriendFeed don't seem to be so useful.
my only question there is do we know how many people are using the IM field? If there is a significant amount we might want to offer them something.
- github
- prezi
- edutopia
- edmodo
- classroom20.com
Ideally we will also create another ticket at some point to work on a system of adding these that doesn't require showing all of the fields at once. When we're ready I can work on some mockups.
Updated by Dominic Giglio almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from Future release to 1.7
bumping this into 1.7 so I can close it along with the associated #2954 ticket. Both deal with the addition/removal of social sites so I might as well just roll them together and knock them both out at the same time.
I've updated watchers to include everyone that's been in on the conversation so far. If anyone has any more suggestions for inclusion/deletion please update here (or the associated ticket) and I will attempt to support as many as I can.
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 10 years ago
This is just a quick update for anyone monitoring this issue.
The current bp-social-media-profiles plugin (the plugin responsible for providing these features) already has support for these social profiles:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Github
So I'll be focusing on the remaining new requests:
- Tumblr
- Vine
- Google+
- Picasa
- last.fm
I'm going to work on new additions first so we can all swing back around to discuss removals once we've investigated the popularity of those profiles.
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 10 years ago
I've created pull requests for the following new profiles:
1. Instagram
2. Tumblr
3. Vine
4. Pinterest
5. G+
6. last.fm
In previous comments I listed profiles that already existed in the plugin. The only major profile listed above that has not been included is Picasa. Sharing of that info has been integrated into G+ so there is no need to add a profile field for it.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
Thanks, Dom. I'll review the pull requests and get them merged in for 1.7.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
Thanks again, Dom. I've merged these six fields into the plugin.
Matt, in order to test, I'll need to add six more fields to the registration/profile edit page. It's getting quite unwieldy. Do you want me to just do it on cdev? Or do you want to start some sort of discussion about fixing the interface for entering social media fields?
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
My instinct is to make it an ajaxy section that opens-out upon click, but let's wait just a few days until Samantha is on board to comment on UX issues..
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
OK. I was thinking something similarly slidey or whatever, but I want to note that building this will be a non-trivial amount of work. So if we're going to go with the complex version for 1.7, we should decide pretty soon; and if not, we should decide whether we're going to hold off on adding the new fields until we do get the more complex UI changes made.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Dominic Giglio to Samantha Raddatz
- Target version changed from 1.7 to 1.8
Samantha, reassigning to you for 1.8. For now, we're doing nothing because it would add too many fields. Please see what others are doing with this kind of thing and make some suggestions.
Updated by Samantha Raddatz almost 10 years ago
- File Meetup Social Media Settings.png Meetup Social Media Settings.png added
- File Academia.edu Social Media Settings.png Academia.edu Social Media Settings.png added
- File Facebook Social Media Settings.png Facebook Social Media Settings.png added
- Assignee changed from Samantha Raddatz to Boone Gorges
I actually had a hard time finding sites that had more than one or two social media options in their profile settings, but I found a few good options.
I've attached screenshots of the Meetup.com, Academia.edu and Facebook social media settings. I think the Meetup.com option works the best because it allows people to see all the social media options at once (and I'd like to avoid a dropdown since there are more than seven social media options). The basic functionality is that when you click a check box the space below the item expands to reveal the editable text box and help text. This remains open so you can see all the information you've entered even on future visits to your profile settings.
For our purposes, this would mean that people that fill in information for every social media option would have a long page, but it would be short for everyone else.
Reassigning to Boone for feedback!
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Assigned
- Estimated time set to 3.00 h
This looks good to me. Thanks, Samantha! I will see if I can integrate this into our existing social media plugin.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.8 to 1.9
Have run out of time to do this for 1.8.
Updated by Samantha Raddatz almost 10 years ago
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.9 to 1.10
Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Daniel Jones
- Target version changed from 1.10 to 1.11
Dan, this is an interesting and potentially interesting project that overlaps with some work that you've done with group social media profile fields. Could you please read over this thread and let me know if it's something you'd like to take a crack at for 1.11? Thanks.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #6683: Update social network connection options during group creation added
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.11 to 1.12
Looks like some of the work that Dan is doing in #6683 could be ported over here. Let's shoot for 1.12.
Updated by Daniel Jones almost 8 years ago
I've taken my first pass at the changes to the interface here: https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/16733daf04fbed42b2929c7d0f76bf6dbe076720
Let me know if anything isn't clear: I tried to emulate the MeetUp approach that Sam described, by just having the name of the network and a checkbox, and then when the user clicks the checkbox the field appears.
I'd be interested especially on input on how I'm handling when people check/uncheck the field: right now I save the value loaded from the DB on page-load in a data attribute for the checkbox, which I use to restore the value in the text input for the field whenever it gets displayed after being hidden. So if you have a GitHub username input but you uncheck the Github checkbox, the value gets set to "", but if you re-check, the value goes back to what it was from the database. This means that if you edit the value in the textbox, then uncheck the field, then recheck it, those changes will be lost. Same if you check a previously empty field, fill something in, then uncheck and recheck it: it'll be blank.
If this is looking good, I can move on to updating the options and also adding the hints for what users should input that Sam suggested (like @-symols and http:'s).
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 8 years ago
Thanks, Dan!
I've attached a gif for reference.
For my personal taste, this configuration of fields still takes up too much room. I'd prefer to have something where I select options from a list, and only then do I see the interface for entering my ID on the given networks (closer to the Facebook screenshot). But given that we are going with the Meetup model, what you've got here seems good.
The data handling seems OK to me. I guess the big advantage is that if I start writing something, and then change my mind, it's easy to toggle back to my original option (without refreshing the page). Having played with it a bit, I don't see a huge problem either way, so what you've done gets my thumbs up.
I've copied Paige for any thoughts she may have.
Updated by Daniel Jones almost 8 years ago
Oh okay understood - I'd defer to you and the others. I guess the trade-off is taking up room on the page vs. rules of thumb on how many options you can have in a dropdown before it gets unwieldy.
I could see about reducing some of the margins to help make things a little more compact, too.
Updated by Daniel Jones over 7 years ago
Hey again - managed to loop back around and finish off another set of changes to this. I've incorporated the 'hints' that help clarify what we're asking users for in each case. Let me know if this looks okay! https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/d7e614280ddaa85787716eabef56cc78ce30a884
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Ah! This is it exactly. Thank you so much for sticking with me on this one, Dan!