



Documentation #4131


Updated CBOX Instructions

Added by Samantha Raddatz about 9 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
Commons In A Box
Target version:
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% Done:


Deployment actions:


Attached is my draft of the new CBOX instructions with screenshots. Scott, I'm passing these onto you for proofing and posting to

I updated each step's instructions and screenshots except Step 5, because I'm unsure of the theme-related settings and how to create the pop-up error that's described there.

The biggest change in the setup process, since the last instructions were written, is that the BuddyPress configuration is no longer forced. Meaning, once you finish installing CBOX and all relaxed plugins, you aren't automatically shuttled into the BuddyPress configuration tabs. Not a problem, just noting it here for those that haven't done an install of CBOX in a while.

Happy to answer any questions or contribute to this further. Just let me know if I'm needed!


CBox Install Steps.docx (1.22 MB) CBox Install Steps.docx Samantha Raddatz, 2015-06-09 11:57 AM
CBOX_Suggested Setup Walkthrough.pdf (910 KB) CBOX_Suggested Setup Walkthrough.pdf Samantha Raddatz, 2015-07-24 05:19 PM
CBOX_Instruction Update.pdf (213 KB) CBOX_Instruction Update.pdf Samantha Raddatz, 2015-07-24 05:19 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges about 9 years ago

  • Target version set to Not tracked
Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold about 9 years ago

Hi Sam --

First, thanks for this and great work. So happy to have this updated.

Some quick feedback:

- the docx format seemed to mess with the placement of text/screenshots. Can you please share a PDF version?
- please regularize "Commons in a Box" to "Commons In A Box" (first letter of all words in caps)
- please regularize CBox to CBOX
- please direct people at the end of the page to our support forum if they have questions.


Actions #3

Updated by scott voth about 9 years ago

Hi Samantha and Matt - I went ahead and implemented these (the documentation, as Sam noted, was really out of date). Can either of you read through and see where we need to make changes.

I added some stuff in Step Five - and some warnings about permalinks, and a couple new screenshots.

Matt - I wasn't sure if you wanted to get Sam's take on the installation process in general, and how to make it more intuitive. I feel the last step where you are left with no direction about the theme is a little hard to follow. I don't think the user is really given enough information about what to do.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold about 9 years ago

Thanks to you both. Glad to see the updated instructions.

Yes, Scott, I agree with you about the need for more info on the theme and what to do with it, how to customize it, etc

Actions #5

Updated by Samantha Raddatz almost 9 years ago

Attached is an outline with mockups of a potentially more helpful walkthrough process for CBOX installation. I've modeled it after some other plugins I've used, such as Yoast. I think this pop-up walkthrough style is helpful without being too intrusive.

I'm sure there's more text and help that could be given along the way, and if we decide to go this direction I would love more input from Scott on what those points should be. For instance, you mention the theme should have more direction, but I'm not familiar enough with all the options to know what we should be encouraging people to do there. Feel free to mark-up these PDFs with suggestions or we can have a call to talk through it if that would make more sense.

I've also attached a couple more steps that should be added to the instructions that I missed previously.

Actions #6

Updated by Stephen Real over 8 years ago

I wonder if we can get this task finished. Have you made any progress? Sam has done some good work on these instructions. Let's take advantage of it.


Actions #7

Updated by scott voth almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

The new documentation for CBOX Classic and CBOX OL resolves this issue.


Also available in: Atom PDF