Bug #7825
closedWP Cron fails to spawn on production
I was checking to see if a scheduled task that I added to WP cron was there or not and it appears that WP cron doesn't appear to be working.
I used the following wp-cli command to see if WP cron was functioning correctly:wp cron test
And that throws back the following error:
Error: WP-Cron spawn failed with error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 3001 milliseconds with 0 out
of -1 bytes received
I then checked the cron schedule with:
wp cron event list
And there are a bunch of older cron events dating as far back as March 7th that haven't run. This might be the cause of other issues such as #7346. Also, I'm guessing that no one has received a daily digest since March 7th.
I did some brief research to see what might be causing the problem and a Github user notes that commons.gc.cuny.edu
might not be in the HOSTS file during the cURL lookup:
We'd have to confirm with Lihua if that is the case or not.
I also just tested WP cron on the development server and it appears to be working there though.
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