Bug #12131
closedbbPress 2.6 upgrade
bbPress 2.6 was released last week: https://bbpress.org/blog/2019/11/bbpress-2-6/
Per our regular procedures, this means that we'll be upgrading as part of the 1.16.2 release in late December. The bbPress update is large, and we have made a number of important modifications to bbPress's default behavior in order to be compatible with the Commons setup (#10654, #9003, #5133, #5318, probably others). Before releasing to the Commons, we should do some sanity checks to ensure the following:
1. Existing BP group forums continue to be associated properly with their groups
2. New groups can properly be associated with group forums
3. The following fixes are still working (these are the customizations that look to be functionally important):
a. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L17,
b. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L82 (actually that one may not be necessary after recent changes in group creation)
c. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L206 #3649
d. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L250 and the following function
e. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L315 #4734
f. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L326 and following function
g. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L492
4. The inline comments say that https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/blob/0a4d0b658d243ac78bd850b79cd0a0cff2630c1c/wp-content/plugins/cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php#L402 can be removed after the 2.6 upgrade
Ray, I'm copying you here because you've been my spiritual partner in these journeys through the bowels of bbPress. I was hoping you could look in particular at 4, and maybe a sanity check on 1 and 2. There are some more items in the cac-bp-custom-includes/forums.php file that are less mission-critical (like TinyMCE and mentions support) that you wrote but which I excluded from this list; if you have the bandwidth to verify those too, it'd be helpful. Otherwise I'll review the items in 3, which are mostly my doing.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Gold over 5 years ago
Just wanted to send a note of support to you both as you move forward through the thickets of bbpress. thank you.
Updated by Raymond Hoh over 5 years ago
The code for 4) can be removed.
I tested 1) and 2) briefly on a BuddyPress + bbPress install unrelated to the Commons and it worked fine.
The TinyMCE mod seems to be broken. I haven't had a chance to look into this yet, but feel free to add it to the list. We also added this mod to CBOX, so we'll have to add the fix for CBOX as well when the time comes.
I'll also have to check my custom bbPress plugin, which gives a user the ability to set custom posts per page, as well as thread display mode:
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.16.2 to 1.16.4
After some discussion, we'll be punting this to January to allow for thorough testing.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.16.4 to 1.16.6
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
I've run some tests locally and all of our customizations seem to check out. Let's move forward with this upgrade tomorrow.
https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/39518149a570a18e67eb7acb51248424867bb0cf removes the hotfix discussed in item 4 above.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved
This is complete. The migration routines have been run, and some spot checks suggest that all is well.
Marilyn, I've added you as a watcher so that you're aware of the change: we've upgrade our forum software in a way that required some data to be migrated. Please keep your ear to the ground for any questions or concerns related to group forums (missing topics, etc).
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 5 years ago
Encountered a fatal error with the bbp-bp-notification-formatter
plugin while debugging #12471. Fix available here: https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/d98e4dc75e448438d38337cf58dddaa6e4059ccd
Pushed as a hotfix on production.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #12483: post error added
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 5 years ago
Just to summarize the change for #12483 for posterity, bbPress 2.6 made a change to disallow activity publishing during forum post edits if forum revisions are disabled.
However, the post_type_supports( BBP_POST_TYPE, 'revisions' )
check will always fail even if revisions are enabled due to a bbPress post type override.
See https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3328
I've added a hotfix to workaround this problem until bbPress addresses this issue - https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/2920657ab64689cbe0eb6d608c19b69fdde3b107
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 5 years ago
Not sure if this should go here or a new ticket. Here goes:
Prof. Gregory Sholette reports
I have tried to post three times to the forum I belong to (http://cuny.is/group-core-seminar-in-urban-studies-spring-2020) but it does not appear, even though other posts I have submitted appear immediately. Why? I am attaching what I tried to post as a pasted-in comment.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 5 years ago
See #12487 for follow-up on Marilyn's comment above.
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #12487: group posting problems? added