



Feature #16335


Revisiting options and functions of Creative Commons license widget

Added by Laurie Hurson about 2 years ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

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Hi All,

The release of the OER tag and the Open Education institute I ran in June has highlighted some issues with the Creative Commons license widget we are running on the commons, particularly on sites.

By default, every page of every site site is tagged with a CC license. I think we should revisit that. People may want some of their content openly licensed but not all of it. For example, Raffi Khatchadourian wrote to the Zendesk asking how to list some of his pages on his main site as oer but not all of the pages. Currently this is not really possible - the CC license is only available on a page by page basis or it encompasses the whole site. I am proposing we allow CC for some pages and no clear open license on other pages (hence signifying they are not open).

I think the automatic, by default tagging of every page as CC, regardless of whether a user has chosen the CC license knowingly, is an issue.

This also raises questions about creating an option to allows folks to restrict some of their work. Maybe we don't want to provide a "closed" option but this could also occur through simply not applying a CC license by default to every page and allowing a user to knowingly assign the CC license to only "open" content.

I think all of these issues, ideas, and options warrant a discussion, which hopefully we can pick up in the fall.


2022-07-07_144335.png (12.6 KB) 2022-07-07_144335.png Raymond Hoh, 2022-07-07 05:50 PM
post-license-edit.gif (80.3 KB) post-license-edit.gif Raymond Hoh, 2022-12-08 09:12 PM
settings-writing.gif (139 KB) settings-writing.gif Raymond Hoh, 2022-12-08 09:12 PM
site-create.gif (144 KB) site-create.gif Raymond Hoh, 2022-12-08 09:12 PM
Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 12.07.23 PM.png (185 KB) Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 12.07.23 PM.png Laurie Hurson, 2023-01-19 12:10 PM

Subtasks 2 (2 open0 closed)

Feature #17101: OER tag and CC licensing notification systemNewBoone Gorges2022-10-25

Feature #17102: Universal footer revisions for ToS / CCNewBoone Gorges2022-10-25


Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #11649: CC license displayed on every pageDuplicateRaymond Hoh2019-07-18

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #20782: Terms of Service, Mission, Privacy Policy review and updateNewColin McDonald2024-08-19

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #7115: make licensing info clear during group creation Reporter FeedbackRaymond Hoh2016-12-16


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