



Feature #9801


Add courses item to main Commons nav

Added by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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For OER courses and other reporting needs, and to make courses more visible on the Commons, we should create a Courses item on the main Commons nav. It can perhaps just look like the list of site/groups (should it show both sites and groups together?) and hopefully once we have the new site launch process, we can list sites/groups designated as courses there

some questions:

1. can/should we implement this before we have the site launch process enabled? and if so, can we select groups/sites manually? I would be in favor of this if possible
2. what would be shown?

I know it is probably too early to start this ticket, but I wanted to do so. I am thinking about this for our October release.


courses_main_nav.png (271 KB) courses_main_nav.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-20 08:39 PM
courses_side_nav.png (510 KB) courses_side_nav.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-20 08:39 PM
group & site course multiple sites 2.png (132 KB) group & site course multiple sites 2.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-25 08:21 PM
group & site course multiple sites.png (129 KB) group & site course multiple sites.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-25 08:21 PM
group & site course.png (164 KB) group & site course.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-25 08:21 PM
group only course.png (140 KB) group only course.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-25 08:21 PM
site only course.png (120 KB) site only course.png Erik Trainer, 2018-06-25 08:21 PM
1 (table).png (156 KB) 1 (table).png Erik Trainer, 2018-07-30 08:34 PM
2.png (153 KB) 2.png Erik Trainer, 2018-07-30 08:34 PM
3 (nested table).png (154 KB) 3 (nested table).png Erik Trainer, 2018-07-30 08:34 PM
4.png (152 KB) 4.png Erik Trainer, 2018-07-30 08:34 PM
CNonNA2.png (68.4 KB) CNonNA2.png Boone Gorges, 2018-09-17 03:13 PM
Peek 2018-09-17 13-46.gif (1.6 MB) Peek 2018-09-17 13-46.gif Boone Gorges, 2018-09-17 03:13 PM
CNonNA2-mod.png (68.8 KB) CNonNA2-mod.png Sonja Leix, 2018-10-03 06:54 PM
Screenshot_2018-10-04_17-24-52.png (5.21 KB) Screenshot_2018-10-04_17-24-52.png Boone Gorges, 2018-10-04 06:25 PM
cac-import-courses.php (2.04 KB) cac-import-courses.php Boone Gorges, 2018-11-02 01:58 PM
CAC courses to import - courses.csv (5.75 KB) CAC courses to import - courses.csv Boone Gorges, 2018-11-02 01:58 PM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #10229: Remove 1 item from main nav bar when we add coursesResolvedChris Stein2018-08-27

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Blocks CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #10226: Add "My Courses" to drop down listNewBoone Gorges2018-08-26


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