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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
13466 CUNY Academic Commons Cavalcade CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Automated cleanup for duplicate Cavalcade tasks Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2020-10-13 05:24 PM Actions
19814 CUNY Academic Commons Group Forums CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Design/UX New Normal BBPress Forum convert to blocks? Sara Cannon Boone Gorges 2024-05-14 11:24 AM Actions
14309 CUNY Academic Commons Group Library CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Better handling of bp_group_document file download attempts when file is not present Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2021-11-19 12:28 PM Actions
1166 CUNY Academic Commons Email Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Better organizational tools for Sent Invites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 06:02 PM Actions
12911 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature New Normal Block access to xmlrpc.php based on User-Agent Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2020-06-09 05:12 PM Actions
19828 CUNY Academic Commons Commons In A Box Bug New Normal CBOX Classic Possible Bug scott voth Boone Gorges 2024-02-25 05:54 PM Actions
14184 CUNY Academic Commons Public Portfolio CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Centralized mechanism for storing Campus affiliations Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2022-01-04 11:35 AM Actions
18995 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Design/UX New Normal Clarifying 'delete account' text Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:11 PM Actions
13949 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug New Normal Continued debugging of runaway MySQL connections Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2021-09-14 10:42 AM Actions
2753 CUNY Academic Commons Public Portfolio CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Create actual actual tagification in academic interests and other fields Micki Kaufman Boone Gorges 2015-01-05 08:52 PM Actions
21800 CUNY Academic Commons Server Bug New Normal Default theme is old after migration scott voth Boone Gorges 2025-01-18 04:05 PM Actions
21886 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal Diagnose problems with action_scheduler tables Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-07 02:39 PM Actions
21887 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature New Normal Disable group creation button while requests are in process Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
14987 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug New Normal Elementor update causes database freeze-up Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2022-07-15 03:42 PM Actions
4592 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Design/UX New Normal Event Creation - Venue Dropdown Slow Samantha Raddatz Boone Gorges 2015-09-14 04:56 PM Actions
8835 CUNY Academic Commons Blogs (BuddyPress) CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Extend shortlinks to sites Luke Waltzer Boone Gorges 2022-04-26 11:59 AM Actions
21551 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal Finding plugins that loop through all network sites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:08 PM Actions
15210 CUNY Academic Commons Analytics CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Design/UX New Normal Google Analytics improvements Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2022-05-24 10:47 AM Actions
4481 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Group admins/mods should have the ability to unlink an event from the group Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2017-04-24 03:53 PM Actions
3048 CUNY Academic Commons Public Portfolio CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Images for rich text profile fields Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2014-02-19 12:56 PM Actions
12042 CUNY Academic Commons Email Notifications CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Improved error logging for BPGES send queue Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2021-11-19 12:25 PM Actions
12091 CUNY Academic Commons Group Files CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Improved pre-upload file validation for bp-group-documents Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2019-11-14 01:21 PM Actions
13370 CUNY Academic Commons Group Library CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Library bulk deletion and folder editing Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2020-10-13 10:41 AM Actions
11531 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Main Events calendar should include non-public events that user has access to scott voth Boone Gorges 2019-06-11 10:00 AM Actions
6389 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress Docs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Make Discussion Area Visible When Editing a Doc Luke Waltzer Boone Gorges 2016-10-21 04:16 PM Actions
(101-125/375) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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