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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
1165 CUNY Academic Commons Email Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Low Allow saved lists of invitees under Send Invites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 06:03 PM Actions
618 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress Docs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal BuddyPress Docs: export formats Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 05:38 PM Actions
308 CUNY Academic Commons Registration CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Group recommendations for signup process Boone Gorges Samantha Raddatz 2015-11-09 05:07 PM Actions
21895 CUNY Academic Commons Site cloning CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal Site creation/cloning should be off-loaded and broken into batches Boone Gorges 2025-02-07 03:29 PM Actions
21886 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal Diagnose problems with action_scheduler tables Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-07 02:39 PM Actions
21835 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Activity items should have 'delete' button Boone Gorges Raymond Hoh 2025-01-27 02:59 PM Actions
21833 CUNY Academic Commons Litespeed Cache CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Custom page purging and other customizations for Litespeed Cache plugin Boone Gorges 2025-01-22 06:47 PM Actions
21551 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal Finding plugins that loop through all network sites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:08 PM Actions
20795 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Migrate sites using google-maps-embed to embed-google-map Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
19247 CUNY Academic Commons CV CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Bug New Normal CV editor scripts not loaded in Dashboard > CV > [edit] Boone Gorges Jeremy Felt 2024-12-16 02:08 PM Actions
15194 CUNY Academic Commons Internal Tools and Workflow CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal PHPCS sniff for un-restored switch_to_blog() calls Boone Gorges Jeremy Felt 2024-12-16 02:10 PM Actions
13358 CUNY Academic Commons Group Forums CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Improved UI for group forum threading settings Boone Gorges Raymond Hoh 2024-12-16 02:10 PM Actions
22056 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature New Normal Update WP to 6.7.x series Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:47 AM Actions
21903 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Bug New Normal Block editor loading painfully slowly Boone Gorges Jeremy Felt 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
21887 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature New Normal Disable group creation button while requests are in process Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
21805 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Bug New Normal The Events Calendar tag "archives" look like post type archives to WP Boone Gorges Raymond Hoh 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
21359 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature Assigned Normal Clarify advanced-custom-fields upgrade procedure Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-01-27 03:01 PM Actions
18016 CUNY Academic Commons Internal Tools and Workflow CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Bug Hold Normal ml-slider get_plugins() call causes performance issues Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
18194 CUNY Academic Commons CV CUNY Academic Commons - 2.3.0 Feature New Normal Migration routine for CVs Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-01-09 12:30 PM Actions
11883 CUNY Academic Commons Help/Codex CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Support New Normal Need Embedding Help Page Update (Tableau) Anthony Wheeler scott voth 2019-09-24 08:49 AM Actions
12062 AD/O365 Transition from NonMatric to Matriculated Students Feature In Progress Normal create solution and console project Emilio Rodriguez Emilio Rodriguez 2019-11-12 03:56 PM Actions
(351-371/371) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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