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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
12438 CUNY Academic Commons Courses CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug New Normal Site appearing twice Laurie Hurson Boone Gorges 2020-02-18 01:34 PM Actions
10794 CUNY Academic Commons Performance CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug New Normal Memcached connection occasionally breaks Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2018-12-06 03:30 PM Actions
10678 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Reporter Feedback High Newsletter Plugin Not Sending Out Newsletters Mark Webb Boone Gorges 2019-09-16 09:38 PM Actions
10040 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Reporter Feedback Normal User doesn't see full list of themes Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2018-07-25 10:12 AM Actions
9979 CUNY Academic Commons Email Notifications CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Reporter Feedback Normal Reports of slow email activation emails Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2018-08-29 09:40 PM Actions
9926 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug New Normal twitter-mentions-as-comments cron jobs can run long Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2018-10-24 12:34 PM Actions
9515 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Reporter Feedback Normal Text to Speech plugin - "More Slowly" checkbox not working scott voth Boone Gorges 2018-06-13 02:26 PM Actions
9289 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug Reporter Feedback Normal Email Users Plugin Laurie Hurson Boone Gorges 2018-10-24 12:34 PM Actions
8675 CUNY Academic Commons User Onboarding CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug Reporter Feedback Low Add new User search screen calls for the input of email address but doesn't work with one Paul Hebert Boone Gorges 2017-10-11 11:17 AM Actions
7981 CUNY Academic Commons Social Paper CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug New Normal Social Paper comments should not go to spam Luke Waltzer Boone Gorges 2018-04-16 03:52 PM Actions
7663 CUNY Academic Commons Social Paper CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug New Normal Social Paper notifications not formatted correctly on secondary sites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2018-04-16 03:52 PM Actions
7022 CUNY Academic Commons Announcements CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug New Normal Sitewide announcements should be displayed on, and dismissable from, mapped domains Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2018-03-22 10:18 AM Actions
3419 CUNY Academic Commons Group Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - 1.6.14 Bug Testing Required Normal Neatening the display of messages on group requests Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2014-09-01 09:29 PM Actions
22056 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature New Normal Update WP to 6.7.x series Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:47 AM Actions
21887 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature New Normal Disable group creation button while requests are in process Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-02-11 11:29 AM Actions
21359 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.3 Feature Assigned Normal Clarify advanced-custom-fields upgrade procedure Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2025-01-27 03:01 PM Actions
20795 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Migrate sites using google-maps-embed to embed-google-map Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
19980 CUNY Academic Commons Group Forums CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Better duplicate-notification prevention for bp-multiple-forum-post Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-06-11 11:54 AM Actions
19878 CUNY Academic Commons Authentication CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Authenticate CAC using CUNYfirst SSO Raffi Khatchadourian Boone Gorges 2024-05-14 11:24 AM Actions
18412 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature Reporter Feedback Normal New themes for template sites & template usage inquiry Laurie Hurson Boone Gorges 2023-10-04 11:57 AM Actions
18194 CUNY Academic Commons CV CUNY Academic Commons - 2.3.0 Feature New Normal Migration routine for CVs Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-01-09 12:30 PM Actions
17416 CUNY Academic Commons DiRT Integration CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Sunsetting Digital Research Tools feature Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
17102 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal Universal footer revisions for ToS / CC Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
17101 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature New Normal OER tag and CC licensing notification system Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
16596 CUNY Academic Commons Group Blogs CUNY Academic Commons - 2.6.0 Feature Reporter Feedback Normal Pausing default/automatic blog post --> forum post on group site Laurie Hurson Boone Gorges 2024-12-16 02:09 PM Actions
(101-125/373) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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