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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
19119 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 2.2.2 Support Duplicate Normal Updating Make theme Lisa Rhody Raymond Hoh 2023-10-27 01:54 PM Actions
17084 CUNY Academic Commons Bug Rejected Normal links not connecting in chrome Lisa Rhody 2022-10-24 01:59 PM Actions
10997 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 1.14.6 Bug Resolved High Website disappeared Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2019-01-24 06:18 PM Actions
10570 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 1.13.12 Bug Resolved Normal CUNY DHI landing page broken after menu bar Lisa Rhody 2018-10-22 10:56 AM Actions
10560 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 1.14.1 Bug Resolved Normal PressForward Feed Reader hung up on TLC feed; won't retrieve other feed items Lisa Rhody 2018-11-14 03:53 PM Actions
10367 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Themes CUNY Academic Commons - 1.13.10 Bug Resolved Normal Incorrect spacing for admin bar on Academica theme on mobile devices Lisa Rhody 2018-09-21 02:16 PM Actions
10332 CUNY Academic Commons Bug Rejected Normal Dropped from Commons group Lisa Rhody 2018-11-13 11:16 AM Actions
10223 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature Rejected Normal Add Liquid slider to the Commons plugins? Lisa Rhody 2018-12-10 08:54 PM Actions
10049 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) Bug Duplicate Normal Files not uploading to site gallery in JPG and PNG formats Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2018-07-24 03:12 PM Actions
9772 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - 1.13.2 Bug Resolved Normal Overlap between group subscription level text and Positions text in group member listing Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2018-05-11 03:03 PM Actions
9771 CUNY Academic Commons Bug Duplicate Normal minor styling problem Lisa Rhody 2018-05-11 02:55 PM Actions
9744 CUNY Academic Commons Commons Profile CUNY Academic Commons - 1.13.2 Bug Resolved Normal Weird formatting in Friends panel of Profile Lisa Rhody 2018-05-09 02:41 PM Actions
9060 CUNY Academic Commons Commons In A Box CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Abandoned Normal Problems with CBox image library / upload Lisa Rhody Raymond Hoh 2024-08-19 03:55 PM Actions
8851 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Themes CUNY Academic Commons - 1.12.2 Feature Resolved Normal Adding the PressForward Turnkey theme to the Commons Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2017-11-21 02:30 PM Actions
8671 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 1.11.12 Bug Resolved Normal Preserved HTML editor markup plus plugin Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2017-09-11 09:43 PM Actions
7866 CUNY Academic Commons Blogs (BuddyPress) CUNY Academic Commons - 1.10.16 Bug Resolved Normal formatting / styling weirdness on Commons Profile -> my sites list Lisa Rhody 2017-04-11 09:57 PM Actions
7761 CUNY Academic Commons Bug Rejected Normal broken link Lisa Rhody 2017-10-11 11:31 AM Actions
7750 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - 1.10.13 Bug Resolved Normal Media Gallery not loading Lisa Rhody 2017-03-07 11:39 AM Actions
7664 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Abandoned High CommentPress Lisa Rhody 2017-11-15 01:24 PM Actions
7498 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Support Resolved Normal link Lisa Rhody 2017-01-24 10:09 PM Actions
6310 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) Bug Duplicate High Members of groups kicked out of the group including owners Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2016-10-14 07:35 PM Actions
6094 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Rejected Normal Save as Draft, Publish, and Preview buttons occasionally inactive Lisa Rhody 2017-11-15 01:55 PM Actions
5996 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 1.9.28 Bug Resolved Normal PressForward error: unable to access the relationships database Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2016-09-21 03:47 PM Actions
5976 CUNY Academic Commons Performance Bug Resolved High Commons may be down? Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2016-09-01 08:22 PM Actions
5549 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - 1.9.16 Feature Duplicate Normal Add PressForward to plugin options for the Commons? Lisa Rhody Boone Gorges 2016-05-21 10:46 PM Actions
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