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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
22049 CUNY Academic Commons Bug New Normal Authentication token expires too early, especially considering 2FA issues Raffi Khatchadourian Raymond Hoh 2025-02-12 10:04 AM Actions
20675 CUNY Academic Commons Bug Hold Normal Broken Link Checker no longer sending email notifications Raffi Khatchadourian 2025-01-24 05:43 PM Actions
20521 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature New Normal Can't use JetPack Boost to "Cache Site Pages" Raffi Khatchadourian 2024-06-30 09:23 PM Actions
18032 CUNY Academic Commons Authentication CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Hold Normal 2FA required on every log in/log out sequence Raffi Khatchadourian Raymond Hoh 2025-02-11 04:35 PM Actions
16314 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Install Multicollab plug-in? Raffi Khatchadourian 2023-04-13 03:52 PM Actions
11077 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature Reporter Feedback Normal Show event category description in event list view Raffi Khatchadourian 2019-02-12 10:38 PM Actions
5183 CUNY Academic Commons Social Paper CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Design/UX New Normal Creating a new paper when viewing an existing paper Raffi Khatchadourian Samantha Raddatz 2016-02-02 12:09 PM Actions
5182 CUNY Academic Commons Social Paper CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Design/UX New Normal "Publishing" a private paper on social paper? Raffi Khatchadourian Boone Gorges 2016-10-13 04:12 PM Actions
19878 CUNY Academic Commons Authentication CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Authenticate CAC using CUNYfirst SSO Raffi Khatchadourian Boone Gorges 2024-05-14 11:24 AM Actions
8498 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress Plugins CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Gravity Forms Email Users Raffi Khatchadourian Matt Gold 2017-10-13 12:58 PM Actions
8675 CUNY Academic Commons User Onboarding CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug Reporter Feedback Low Add new User search screen calls for the input of email address but doesn't work with one Paul Hebert Boone Gorges 2017-10-11 11:17 AM Actions
14483 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress - Media CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Bug Reporter Feedback Normal Wordpress PDF Embed Stopped Working after JITP Media Clone Patrick DeDauw Boone Gorges 2021-05-20 01:51 PM Actions
11449 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress - Media CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Support Reporter Feedback Normal Cloning Media Library for JITP from Staging to Production Site Patrick DeDauw Boone Gorges 2019-05-13 12:00 PM Actions
3475 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Request to add plugin to streamline room booking/appointment booking Naomi Barrettara Boone Gorges 2014-12-01 05:14 PM Actions
3511 CUNY Academic Commons Publicity CUNY Academic Commons - 1.7 Publicity Assigned Normal Social media for 1.7 Micki Kaufman Sarah Morgano 2014-10-14 03:32 PM Actions
3510 CUNY Academic Commons Publicity CUNY Academic Commons - 1.7 Publicity Assigned Normal Post on the News Blog re: 'My Commons' Micki Kaufman Sarah Morgano 2014-10-15 11:18 AM Actions
3506 CUNY Academic Commons Publicity CUNY Academic Commons - 1.7 Publicity New Normal Prepare 1.7 email messaging Micki Kaufman Micki Kaufman 2014-10-01 12:36 PM Actions
2754 CUNY Academic Commons Design CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Determine strategy for CAC logo handling in top header Micki Kaufman Chris Stein 2015-01-05 08:53 PM Actions
2753 CUNY Academic Commons Public Portfolio CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Create actual actual tagification in academic interests and other fields Micki Kaufman Boone Gorges 2015-01-05 08:52 PM Actions
3458 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Filter Members of Group by Campus Michael Smith Samantha Raddatz 2014-09-26 08:32 PM Actions
2167 CUNY Academic Commons WordPress (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug Assigned Normal CAC-Livestream Plugin Issues Michael Smith Dominic Giglio 2015-01-02 03:06 PM Actions
9908 CUNY Academic Commons CUNY Academic Commons - Not tracked Feature New Normal Is it possible to send email updates to users (or an email address not on the list) for only a single page AFTER being prompted? Michael Shields scott voth 2018-06-11 01:34 PM Actions
481 CUNY Academic Commons Groups (misc) CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal ability to archive inactive groups and blogs Michael Mandiberg Samantha Raddatz 2015-11-09 05:56 PM Actions
5691 CUNY Academic Commons Blogs (BuddyPress) CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Bug Assigned High Differing numbers on Sites display Matt Gold Raymond Hoh 2016-06-13 01:37 PM Actions
370 CUNY Academic Commons Registration CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned High Guest Accounts Matt Gold Matt Gold 2015-04-09 09:33 PM Actions
(76-100/374) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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