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# Project Category name Target version Tracker Status Priority name Subject Author Assignee Updated
1417 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress Docs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Low Bulk actions for BuddyPress Docs Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2016-10-17 10:41 PM Actions
618 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress Docs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal BuddyPress Docs: export formats Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 05:38 PM Actions
519 CUNY Academic Commons BuddyPress Docs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Low TOC for individual docs - for new BP "wiki-like" plugin scott voth Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 05:54 PM Actions
13466 CUNY Academic Commons Cavalcade CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Automated cleanup for duplicate Cavalcade tasks Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2020-10-13 05:24 PM Actions
10226 CUNY Academic Commons Courses CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Add "My Courses" to drop down list scott voth Boone Gorges 2021-11-19 12:42 PM Actions
18194 CUNY Academic Commons CV CUNY Academic Commons - 2.3.0 Feature New Normal Migration routine for CVs Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-01-09 12:30 PM Actions
20788 CUNY Academic Commons Design CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.0 Feature Testing Required Normal Group doc redesign Raymond Hoh Boone Gorges 2024-10-10 04:18 PM Actions
17416 CUNY Academic Commons DiRT Integration CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.0 Feature New Normal Sunsetting Digital Research Tools feature Colin McDonald Boone Gorges 2024-06-11 11:54 AM Actions
1167 CUNY Academic Commons Email Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Allow email invitations to be resent Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-12 12:53 AM Actions
1166 CUNY Academic Commons Email Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Low Better organizational tools for Sent Invites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 06:02 PM Actions
1165 CUNY Academic Commons Email Invitations CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Low Allow saved lists of invitees under Send Invites Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2015-11-09 06:03 PM Actions
15604 CUNY Academic Commons Email Notifications CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Restructure Commons Group Digest Email Messages Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2022-05-26 10:45 AM Actions
12042 CUNY Academic Commons Email Notifications CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Improved error logging for BPGES send queue Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2021-11-19 12:25 PM Actions
11531 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Main Events calendar should include non-public events that user has access to scott voth Boone Gorges 2019-06-11 10:00 AM Actions
5696 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Events Calendar - display options / calendar aggregation Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2016-10-13 11:44 AM Actions
4481 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Group admins/mods should have the ability to unlink an event from the group Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2017-04-24 03:53 PM Actions
4238 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Copy Events to Other Groups? Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2015-07-02 10:08 AM Actions
4053 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Create new tab for past events Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2015-05-12 02:10 PM Actions
3475 CUNY Academic Commons Events CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Request to add plugin to streamline room booking/appointment booking Naomi Barrettara Boone Gorges 2014-12-01 05:14 PM Actions
16596 CUNY Academic Commons Group Blogs CUNY Academic Commons - 2.5.0 Feature Reporter Feedback Normal Pausing default/automatic blog post --> forum post on group site Laurie Hurson Boone Gorges 2024-06-11 11:54 AM Actions
8756 CUNY Academic Commons Group Blogs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Hold Normal Connect multiple blogs to one group? Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2017-09-30 10:42 AM Actions
3580 CUNY Academic Commons Group Blogs CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Multiple blogs per group Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2018-02-20 02:02 PM Actions
12091 CUNY Academic Commons Group Files CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature New Normal Improved pre-upload file validation for bp-group-documents Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2019-11-14 01:21 PM Actions
3080 CUNY Academic Commons Group Files CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Low Create a system to keep track of file changes Matt Gold Boone Gorges 2014-02-26 10:04 PM Actions
19980 CUNY Academic Commons Group Forums CUNY Academic Commons - Future release Feature Assigned Normal Better duplicate-notification prevention for bp-multiple-forum-post Boone Gorges Boone Gorges 2024-06-11 11:54 AM Actions
(126-150/363) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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